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铝的比热是0。Aluminum has a specific heat of 0.2.

定容比热容Cv乘以dT除以。T It's Cp dT over T at constant pressure.

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冰的比热只有水的一半。Ice is only half the specific heat of water.

这只锅的金属的比热容是多少?What is the specific heat of the metal in the pan?

铅的比热要低,只有0。03,这很低很低了。Lead is unusually low it's only .03. It's very, very low.

雷·克莱门斯表示,对他来说,利物浦比热刺对自己更重要。Ray Clemence admits Liverpool means more to him than Tottenham.

这意味,着在低温极限,比热是。In other words, the limiting low temperature 0 heat capacity is zero.

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欢迎来到比热,在这里,壮丽的罗纳河弯弯曲曲地流向南方。Welcome to the Bugey, where the grand Rhone River winds powerfully south.

建模过程中发现,空气定压比热对压气机性能计算有较大的影响。It is found that the results are influenced greatly by specific heat of air.

但是,由于水的高比热容,在平台上无法实现大批量水加热处理。But, the heat capacity of water is too high for offshore platform to warm up.

冷罗宋汤比热罗宋汤更清淡,而且几乎只有蔬菜。Cold borscht is much thinner than hot borscht and is almost always vegetarian.

比如说经过加工的加拿大枫木比热带的印茄木和孪叶苏木的硬度还要高。Treated Canadian maple, for example, is harder than tropical merbau and jatoba.

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到目前为止,还没有人对单层碳纳米管的室温比热在理论上给出很好的解释。By far, there isn't any research on the specific heat of SWNTs at high temperature.

但能氏定理与比热随正绝对温度趋于零则可互推。Both this theorem and the unattainability of absolute zero can't be derived from each other.

就好比热酱汁,有个极限就是放太多的酱进去,就会毁了酱汁。Just like hot pepper sauce, there comes a point when putting too much into a sauce ruins it.

氨基-1,2,4-三唑苦味酸盐的晶体结构、比热容和热力学性质。Heat Capacity, Thermodynamic Properties and Crystal Structure of 4-Amino-1,2,4-triazole Picrate.

纳米晶与玻璃具有相近的比热并高于正常晶粒尺寸晶体的比热。The specific heat of nanocrystal approaches that of glass, but is higher than that of bulk crystals.

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其中烟气的比热比的影响最大,其次是辐射源的发射率和环境噪声。The ratio of specific heat has the most effect followed by emissivity of radiative object and noises.

然而,冷弯方管的生产效率比热扎钢管的高,生产成本低。However, the production of Square cold-forming steel column is more efficient than others and lower cost.

元素相对原子质量与它的比热容的乘积,大约为6.4。The product of a solid element's relative atomic mass and its specific heat capacity is approximately 6.4.