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我跟他们一起到外面游廊上去。I went with them out to the veranda.

他们的客人在游廊里浅酌着美酒。Their guests sipped drinks on the veranda.

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饭后我们坐在游廊上交谈。After dinner, we sat talking on the veranda.

沿残缺的水泥台阶而上,到游廊的后门。Up broken cement steps to the back porch door.

悬吊的屋顶下是一条宽阔的游廊。There is a wide veranda under the overhang of the roof.

在西面街道上有四个,在游廊上有两个。At Parbar westward, four at the causeway, and two at Parbar.

尖叫敲响当他跳关上游廊门安全地被关闭。Screams ring out as he jumps to slam the veranda doors safely shut.

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走廊,回廊一种窄的门厅,通道或游廊,通常通向房间或套间。A narrow hallway, passageway, or gallery, often with rooms or apartments opening onto it.

这个游廊是仿江苏省镇江市“江天寺”而建的观景廊。The Long Corridor is based on the corridor in JiangTian Temple in ZhengJiang, JiangSu Province.

松柏苍翠,曲径通幽,游廊交错是其独特的吸引人之处。Lush pine and cypresses, secluded paths and winding bridges make the place unique and appealing.

李麻子叫来的五十多人也排齐在游廊一带。The fifty-odd men brought along by Pockmarked Li were waiting for orders on or near the veranda.

正面五间上房,皆雕梁画栋,两边穿山游廊厢房,挂着各色鹦鹉、画眉等鸟雀。In front of the rooms were hanging a lot of cages keeping various parrots and thrushes and so forth.

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池岸以太湖石堆砌自然驳岸,将半壁山和游廊呈弧状连接一起。Natural pond shore to Taihu pile revetment will Banbishan and rounded in connection with the veranda.

我沿着草坪的边缘走了回去,轻轻跨过石子车道,然后踮起脚尖走上游廊的台阶。I walked back along the border of the lawn, traversed the gravel softly , and tiptoed up the veranda steps.

远香堂俯瞰南面的水域,处在游廊、塔河桥之间。The Hall of Distant Fragrance, which overlooks the water to the south, is set amidst verandas, towers, and bridges.

在乌镇,人们可以体验到各种各样的景观,包括运河风光、老城街巷、市场、桥梁和游廊。In Wuzhen, one experiences a dense landscape of centuries old canals, streets, markets, courtyards, bridges and verandas.

另外,凉亭、游廊、水榭亭、假山、人工山洞也夹杂其中。Besides, gazebos, winding corridors, watch side pavilions, rockeries and grottoes are also standing side by side with them.

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最好的朋友是你们静坐在游廊上,一句话也不说,当你们各自走开的时候,仍感到你们经历了一场十分精彩的对话。You sit on the veranda silently but you still have the feeling of going through a wonderful talking. That is your best friend.

在购物区,街道上的拱形游廊和雨棚能使人们联想起马来西亚传统沿街店铺旁的五尺廊。In the shopping areas, arcades and canopies at street level evokethe five-​foot way found in traditional Malaysian shop houses.

正当玛丽正咬牙切齿地不断骂人时,她忽然听到妈妈和别人一起来到游廊上的声音。She was grinding her teeth and saying this over and over again when she heard her mother come out on the veranda with some one.