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所以我变成了一个局外人。So I learn to be an outsider.

哈特扮演的被误为坏人的好人总是一个局外人。Hart's good-bad man was always an outsider.

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做为一名局外人,他一向十分赏识这位丽莉·巴特。As a spectator, he had always enjoyed Lily Bart.

家庭钮带比局外人更密切地。Family bonds are closer than those of outsiders.

他以一个局外人和来自人民的代表身份开始任期。He took office as an outsider and man of the people.

海地重建不能由好心的局外人代劳。Haiti can’t be reconstructed by well-meaning outsiders.

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好吧。我明白了我只是个局外人我不属于她。Alright, I see. I am only an outsider. I don't belong to her.

例如,一个“恰当”的笑话可以把一个局外人“挤出”圈外。An "in" joke can exclude outsiders from a clique, for example.

这个名字来自两人对局外人艺术的共同的热爱。The name came from the two Davids' shared love of outsider art.

你开始以局外人和局内人来看待这两个社会。You begin to see the societies as both an outsider and an insider.

并且因为我是一个局外人,我很快成为了取笑的对象。And because I’m an outsider, I quickly become the object of teasing.

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但是我们还是会觉得自己有时候仍然是路人甲,是局外人。However, we still feel is still sometimes passers-A, is an outsider.

迄今为止许多局外人纷纷响应企图成为局内人。So far lots of outsiders have responded by trying to become insiders.

局外人硬把自己的想法加入一场家庭争论中是不智的。It is unwise foranoutsider obtrude his opinions into a family quarrel.

在局外人看来,现任政府简直像是个反对环保,为大企业谋利的政府了。From outside, this looks like an anti-green, pro-big business government.

作为局外人,然后进入一个成熟的剧组是什么样的?What was it like entering an already well-established cast as an outsider?

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哈特扮演的被误认为坏人的好人总是一个局外人,一个被剥夺继承权的人。Hart's good-bad man was always an outsider, always one of the disinherited.

局外人硬把自己的想法加入一场家庭争论中是不智的。It is unwise for an outsider to obtrude his opinions into a family quarrel.

在中国你永远是个外国人,但真的没必要总是当个局外人。You always feel like a foreigner in China, but not necessarily an outsider.