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这就是无字天书。This is a wordless heavenly book.

某天书将会被电脑所取代吗?Will books be replaced by computers one day?

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即使办了保险,合同又宛如天书。Although did insurance, contract just like a book from heaven.

这文章满篇术语,对我直如天书。正在加载用户记忆法…This article's so full of jargon it's just double Dutch to me.

有奇特的无字天书星象图,留下了无数的不解之谜。These unique round impressions have remained an unsolved mystery.

难怪西方人认为中文是天书。Little wonder that westerners said Chinese was a mysterious language.

其中,“天书事件”将对祥瑞的崇奉推向了顶峰。Among them, "A Sealed Book Affair" pushed this adoration to the crest.

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外人拿到立威廉的剧本,只觉得在看天书,上面标注的符号根本看不懂。Other people who took his script book would not understand the phonetics at all.

如果我接下来的计算对你来说是天书,过来找我吧,我来帮你想办法So if what I'm going to do now is scary, come and see us and we'll deal with it.

生活是一本博大精深的无字天书,它给我们以启迪与思考。Life is a profound hieroglyphics without the word, it gives us the inspiration and thinking.

但是想到以前看的哪些天书心里就比较平衡一点!But balance quite in the heart of what a book from heaven that thinks of to look before a bit!

依元字天书所示,上洞八仙将应劫而生。Shows according to the Yuan character book from heaven, on the hole Eight Immortals will plunder live.

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网络天书与这些交易并没有任何关系,因此这个列表不应该被看作是一种认可。Cnic is not affiliated with any of these businesses, and this list should not be construed as an endorsement.

在美国联邦贸易委员会和民间团体的压力下,各公司正试图清理这些网络“天书”。Under pressure from the Federal Trade Commission and private groups, companies are trying to clean up the cyber Sanscrit.

华原旅游公司经理李天书说,“我国的花卉旅游具有巨大的市场潜力,不过眼光应当更长远一些,要对环境给予应有的重视。China's flower tourism has huge potential, but it has to look beyond immediate gains and give due attention to the environment.

天帝藏书处所藏的第一部天书就是伏羲在阆中创制的先天八卦。The first Heavenly Scripture stored by the Supreme Being in his book storage is The Early Eight Diagrams compiled by Fuxi in Langzhong.

这方面将以借窍开沙留下来数以万计的天书训文,作为研究探讨的主要材料。The main material for discussing the issue is hundreds of thousands of Holy Revelations which were made through sand writing and channeling.

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这些都是科学家做的事情,对于我们这些基础技术兵,无疑是听天书,我们只能看懂地质成像之后的2000张黑白胶片。These were what scientists did. To us, fundamental engnieers, they were Dutch. We could simply understand those 2000 imaged black-and-white films.

本文认为,“红崖天书”是产生于新石器时代,比殷代甲古文更原始的图画会意文字,或称古图形文字,它应该是一则古时的“公告”。This paper thinks "the Red Cliff a Book from Heaven" produced New Stone Age, it was ancienter than inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of Shang Dynasty.

如果一个地方站都做不起来,就不要提去做整个网络的运营网站,好象在看天书一样的感觉吧。If a place stands to be done, do not rise, do not carry the operation website that makes whole network, the feeling like seeming to seeing a book from heaven.