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他们看起来真可笑。They look silly.

真可笑,竟说出这种话来!What a laugh to say that!

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那曲新戏剧极为滑稽可笑。The new play was a scream.

人神其实荒谬可笑。The Man-God is an absurdity.

这部滑稽剧令我昏昏欲睡,一点儿也没有令人可笑之处。This farce narcotizes to me.

你很可笑知道吗?You are ridicules, you know?

他是个可笑蠢笨的人。He is a funny or stupid person.

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现在你认为这么说很可笑,这些基因可能既不美,也不高智能。Now you think that is facetious.

你穿上那裙子样子真可笑。You look ridiculous in the skirt.

我难道是一把那种愚蠢可笑的宝刀?Am i one of those foolish blades ?

这是一个可笑的早餐时间。That's a funny time for breakfast.

他穿着红裤子看上去真可笑。He looked foolish in his red pants.

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飞行伞真是可笑的简单。Paragliding is ridiculously simple.

她那套装束看起来很可笑。She looks ridiculous in that getup.

工作倦怠不再是个可笑的问题了。Work burnout is no laughing matter.

他戴着那顶帽子看起来真可笑!You look absurd in your wife's hat.

一点也不可笑,我把悲伤唱走了。Not at all, I had sung my blues away.

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然而,我觉得这非常的可笑。however, I find this pretty ludicrous.

阻碍是可笑的冠军。Blokes are champions of the ridiculous.

他的脑子里塞满了可笑的想法。His mind is lumbered with foolish ideas.