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要懂事脾气好。A good temper is a must.

你怎么这样不懂事?How can you be so thoughtless?

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甜,小,懂事的孩子!Sweet, little, sensible child!

她暗笑他的不懂事。She sniggers at his childishness.

他那时只是个不懂事的小孩子。He was nothing but a ignorant child then.

有时候我觉得美国像个不懂事的婴儿。Sometimes I think the U. S. is a crybaby.

在你们面前,我想我仍旧是个不懂事的少女。I'm still a young girl, least I think I am.

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呵呵,没有,我没有不懂事,也没有冲动。Oh, no, I did not understand, nor impulsivity.

儿子的懂事让贾铃欣慰。Sensible to allow the son of Jia Ling pleased.

以前的不懂事的我,现在已经不见了。Before the inexperience I have now disappeared.

她努力肯干,懂事体贴。Her efforts to stem, thoughtful and considerate.

原来,懂事后,就连“笑”都那么累。Originally, sensible, even "smile" are so tired.

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蒂莉还不懂事,但卡伦已经够大了。Tilly won’t understand, but Karen is old enough.

她总是当着人的面说自己的孩子不懂事。She is always running her children dowm in public.

他的祖父总是指摘青年人不懂事。His grandfather is always carping about the young.

我会出任你的懂事,但别向我要任何东西。I will be on your board but don’t ask me for anything.

懂事情的道理者有足够的机智措置惩罚本身的工作。He is wise that hath wit enough for hellos own affairs.

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我听说,打他懂事起就一直练轻功。I heard that he learned Light Gong Fu for most of his life.

不要因为我儿子偷东西而惩罚他,他年纪还小,不懂事。Don’t punish my son for stealing he doesn’t know any better.

这些年我们年轻不懂事,您别往心里去的英文偶会呀!This years we are young no know thing, you don't go to heart!