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大量的询盘证明我们的产品质量过硬。Heavy enquires witness the quality of our products!

大量询盘证明我们产品质量过硬。A lot of inquiries confirm the high quality of our products.

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大量询盘证明我们产品格量过硬。Heaudio-videoy enquiries witness the quality of our products.

他们有钢铁般的勇气和过硬的身体素质。They had more than the "fist" of courage and physical strength.

过硬的打字技术会增加你找工作的机会。Good typing skills should enhance your chances of getting a job.

过硬的质量,完善的服务,让您省钱省心省事。Excellent quality, perfect service, allows you to save money worry.

公司淄力牌系列产品质量过硬、产品性能优越。Zi Corporation licenses edge quality products, superior product performance.

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可有了足够过硬的理由,也就是确切的启动力,就会迫使你采取行动了。But with strong enough reasons-the right leverage-you'll be compelled to act.

我们是一支过硬的、能打硬仗的队伍,是优秀的、高素质的队伍。We can fight a hard battle. We are an excellent, high-quality team. thank you.

诺雅产品质量过硬,售后服务完善。The products of Noahs have got excellent quality and perfect after-sales service.

我们将以过硬的质量,优质的服务,取得您的信赖,同时欢迎有业务。We will be high quality, high-quality, get your trust, and welcomed the business.

公司技术力量雄厚,员工素质过硬。The company has strong technical strength and the ability of our staff is reliable.

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我们的团队是一支技术过硬,作风顽强,服务热情的队伍。Our team is the one that has excellent technology, firm morale and heartful service.

是开封市唯一一家销售质量过硬的机械工具的公司。Kaifeng City is the only one strong sales of the quality of the machine tools company.

在美国教育咨询中心,工作人员会帮助您写出一个过硬、有说服力的申请。Your EducationUSA advisor can help you to develop a strong and compelling application.

都是质量过硬而且价格适中的并都通过了环保认证。Are all excellent quality and affordable, and have adopted environmental certification.

安康装饰公司公装比较好并且过硬的有哪些?Which does good health decorate public company dress comparison good and perfect having?

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过硬的产品质量和一流的售后服务,获得了用户的广泛赞誉。Excellent product quality and excellent after-sales service, was widely praised by users.

虽然刚刚成立不久,但技术员之前都有十几年的经念、技术过硬。Although newly established, but technicians have 10 years before by the idea, very skillful.

本厂设备配套齐全,生产技能熟练,产品质量过硬,口啤甚佳。Factory equipment, fully furnished, skilled production, product quality, export beer is very good.