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那些人沆瀣一气做坏事。Those people collaborated in evildoing.

不过也有人认为,政府与这种丑恶沆瀣一气。But some have argued the government is complicit in the ugliness.

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美国人骂阿富汗监狱的官员是一群废物,他们腐败无能,而且与塔利班沆瀣一气。The US claimed Afghan prison official were incompetent, corrupt, and in cahoots with Taliban.

这一事实和成瘾症的可怕威力沆瀣一气,令我们每年都失去一些——应该说很多——宝贵的生命。And we lose some—many—to addiction every year due to this very fact coupled with the fatal power of this disease.

其改革因循守旧,片面追求财政收入,与引岸专商沆瀣一气,致使食盐运销制度的改革陷入停滞状态。Its reform sticked to the old ways aimed at sheer revenue and wallowed together in the mire with the salt dealer.

通过与政客沆瀣一气,他就能够通过商谈而获得他在在市场上永远无法得到的垄断地位。By striking deals with politicians, he was able to negotiate monopolies that he could never have attained in the marketplace.

商会认为所有这些民间组织在主要工会的暗中支持下沆瀣一气。The Chamber believed all these grass-roots organizations were working in concert with the surreptitious backing of major unions.

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但该案已经暴露出中国当前涉黑犯罪根深蒂固的现状,也暴露出腐败官员已经同犯罪分子沆瀣一气的问题。But the case has underlined the extent to which crime is entrenched in modern China and corrupt officials have co-operated with criminals.

他说联合国在象牙海岸的任务已经与其初衷相背离,现在他们正与叛军沆瀣一气。Djedje says the UN missions in the Ivory Coast hasis deviated from its original role and is now acting in complicitycomplicitly with rebelsrivals.

这些报告最令人恐慌的地方是巴基斯坦军方情报机构和塔利班沆瀣一气。But the most alarming of the reports were the ones that described the cynical collusion between Pakistan’s military intelligence service and the Taliban.

而这些系统,正是美国公司们与供应商沆瀣一气批准上马的。What was shocking to me was the level of dehumanization built into the systems that have been put into place by American corporations in collusion with suppliers.

早在“耳光门”之前,中国官方媒体就对新闻集团丑闻案幸灾乐祸,并把这视为批评西方媒体和政治家沆瀣一气、为自己的名声打翻身仗的好机会。Even before the punch, Chinese state media had been savoring the News Corp. case as a chance to turn the tables and chide Western reporters and politicians for misdeeds.

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在法航447航班失事以后,很多遇难者家属都将巴希尔及法航及空客公司的高管看做沆瀣一气的恶棍。Since the disappearance of Flight 447, some of the passengers’ families have come to regard Bassil and the other executives at Air France and Airbus as a cast of corporate villains.

一些鉴定、评估、拍卖机构与法官、律师内外勾结、沆瀣一气,搞虚假鉴定、虚假评估、虚假拍卖,把打官司变成“打关系”。Some identification, assessment, auction agencies and judges, lawyers collusion, futilely pursuing false identification, false assessments, false auction, the court into "a relationship."

而霍华德政府却与布什政府沆瀣一气,企图令地球直面全球变暖的风险,致使许多岛国面临没顶之灾。Nevertheless, the Howard government, like the Bush administration, was willing to expose the entire planet to the risks of global warming, which threaten the very existence of many island states.