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以德感人,为人师表。By virtue of being moving.

你最清楚“为人师表”的份量。You know best "role models" of weight.

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这位教授堪称为人师表。The professor is. a paragon of virtue and learning.

为人师表,诚心、耐心、爱心是教育的灵魂所在。As a teacher , sincerity , patience and love are the soul of education.

教师应该为人师表,他是学生学习的真实榜样。An instructor is a person of exemplary virtue, and a true example of his students.

全校教师应遵守本守则,为人师表,做学生的楷模。They will abide by this code, be worthy of the name of teacher, and be modeled by their students.

为人师表二十五年,我深深体会到教育需要从心出发,也要进入靈魂深处。Working as a teacher for 25 years, I have come to realize that education requires a heart and a soul.

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他不仅创立了极不寻常的业绩,还留下了为人师表的精神财富。He has not only accomplished unusual deeds but also bequeathed us the cultural heritage of an exemplary teacher.

已在超过廿五个国家出版,激励为人师表者去影响他们「所有」学生的人生。Published in over 25 countries, The Essential 55 has inspired teachers to affect the lives of all of their students.

每个老师应珍惜教师光荣而豪迈的事业,教书育人、为人师表,为祖国培养合格的建设者和接班人。It discusses the favourable condition of the teacher teaching and education, and how to develop the teacher function.

作为一名高校教师,注重为人师表和个人能力的发展,以更好地为学生、学院服务。As a college teacher, I plan to be a model of virtue and develop self ability to serve the students and college better.

培训班教师工作认真,治学严谨,教学规范,师德淳朴,为人师表,教书育人。Training teachers work conscientiously, rigorous scholarship, teaching norms, ethics simple, teachers, educating people.

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可这并不仅仅是一则有关一个无名教师的寓言,而是有关你我的寓言——不论我们是为人父母,还是为人师表。It is a parable about you and me——whether or not we are parents or even teachers. And the story, OUR story, actually begins like this

选手们叫他们老师,可他们却时时对选手无聊地调侃,完全忘了自己应该为人师表。While they are called teachers by the contestants, they frequently make fun of the latter, completely neglecting the roles they are playing.

“传道”是其职业依存的首选价值,职业行为亦塑造了他们严于律己,为人师表的性格。"The ministry" is the choice of value, professional interdependent professional behavior also be shaped their exemplary virtue, the character.

可这并不仅仅是一则有关一个无名教师的寓言,而是有关你我的寓言——不论我们是为人父母,还是为人师表。But this isn't simply a parable about an unnamed school teacher.It is a parable about you and me——whether or not we are parents or even teachers.

教师只有不断地更新自我,以身作则,率先垂范,才能真正做到寓德于教,为人师表。The teacher only then renews unceasingly, sets an example, takes the lead to hang Fan, achieves truly lodges germany to teach, to be a teacher by worthy example.

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贯彻教育部的“通知”精神,在开展“校园拒绝邪教”的活动中,教师要率先垂范,为人师表。Act in the spirit of "Notice" of the Education Ministry, teachers should set examples for the students in the movement of "Evil doctrines are rejected on campus".

因此,加强对青年教师在“敬业精神”、“业务能力”、“教学艺术”、“创新意识”和“为人师表”方面的培养十分重要。It is very important to strengthen higher vocational teachers' professional ability, teaching an, innovative consciousness and studios spirit especially young teachers.

因此,加强对青年教师在“敬业精神”、“业务能力”、“教学艺术”、“创新意识”和“为人师表”方面的培养十分重要。It is very important to strengthen higher vocational teachers' professional ability, teaching art, innovative consciousness and studios spirit especially young teachers.