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这是那三位贤士。These are the three wise men.

难道今天特别想贤士?Does today specially think magi?

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然后再要求这些贤士出来为社会服务。They asked the talents to serve the society.

腰带的战士贤士现在有一个插座的奖金。Girdle of the Warrior Magi now has a socket bonus.

马太对他说,“你像位智慧的贤士Matthew said to him, "An intelligent philosopher is what you resemble."

东方贤士在白冷城跪下朝拜那个婴孩的时候,他们发现了神的面貌。The Magi from the East found it when they knelt down before the Child of Bethlehem.

这是有可能,但是,贤士熟悉伟大救世主的预言。It is likely, however, that the Magi were familiar with the great Messianic prophesies.

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仁人贤士为了下一代的教育,社会风气,政风优劣等忧心奋斗。In order to educate next generation, improve ethos of society and politics, sages strived.

黑落德王秘密地召见那几位贤士,询问了星星出现的确切时间。Then Herod secretly called the wise men and asked them the precise time the star appeared.

贤士们来到了白冷,因为他们顺从异星的指引。The Magi reached Bethlehem because they had obediently allowed themselves to be guided by the star.

你知道,贤士都是贤者----非常聪明的人----把礼物带给马槽里的圣婴。The magi , as you know, were wise men-wonderfully wise men-who brought gifts to the newborn Christ-child.

现在成就一位贤士,比从前成就一位古希腊七贤,还要费事。Theres is more needed nowadays to make a single wise person than formerly to make the Seven Sages of ancient Greece.

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难民中,有个名叫林回的贤士,抛弃了价值千金的玉璧,却背着初生的婴儿急急忙忙地逃跑。Among them, a wise man called Lin Hui discarded his invaluable jade and fled in a hurry, carrying his new-born baby with him.

毫无疑问伯利恒之星是指引马太福音中描绘的东方三贤士到达耶稣出生地的关键所在。It had to be a significant event for "The Three Wise Men, " as depicted in the Gospel of Matthew, to follow to Jesus' birthplace.

本公司主要从事医疗器械的销售,希招纳贤士,扩大企业规模。This company is mainly engaged in medical instrument's sale, Greece recruits the virtuous gentleman, the expansion enterprise size.

“犹太人贤士议定书”是一本愚民性质的书,目的是为了揭露犹太人企图统治全世界的阴谋。"The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" is a hoaxed book that purported to reveal a Jewish conspiracy to achieve world domination.

当时有个叫侯赢的隐士,是一个地位卑下的看门人,信陵君听说他是个贤士,便亲自赶车去接他。Hou Ying , a hermit , was a humble doorkeeper . When Xinglingjun heard that Hou was a man of virtue , he drove his cart himself to invite him back.

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那些纯仆无欺的牧羊人以及满腹经纶的贤士们,引领我们到白冷去寻觅天主,因为祂以小圣婴的形体来到我们当中,跟我们那麽亲近。The simple shepherds and the learned Wise Men from the Orient guide us to the place where we find God in the small Child of Bethlehem, who has come so near to us men.

木星是否在它奇怪的改变方向后指引着三位东方贤士朝向伯利恒,最终与金星耀眼会合而达高峰?Could Jupiter have led the Three Wise Men in the direction of Bethlehem after its bizarre change in direction, eventually culminating in a dazzling conjunction with Venus?

我要特别指出圣雅伯和埃迪特.施泰因,他们的内心就如同贤士们一样,热切地追求真理。Of these I would like to specifically mention St Albert and Teresa Benedicta of the Cross who, with the same interior attitude as the Magi, were passionate seekers after the truth.