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特殊规格另行设计承造。Special design upon request.

若有未尽事宜另行协商解决。If not separate can issue to resolve.

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如有任何更改,恕不另行通知。Subject to change without prior notices.

甲、乙双方如有特殊约定将在下列另行规定。Other special terms will be listed bellow.

参照公司另行制定的绩效考核表。Refer to the Performance Evaluation Sheet.

博物馆现正闭馆,开馆时间另行通知。The museum is closed until further notice.

未尽事宜另行通知。Not completely matters, follow further notice.

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我方向你方报盘,此报盘如有变化不另行通知。We offer you subject to change without notice.

数据如有修改,恕不另行通知。Information maybe revised without prior notice.

该博物馆将关闭,开放时将另行通知。The Museum will be closed until further notice.

所有的报价随时会更动,恕不另行通知。All prices are subject to change without notice.

本公司保留调整价格的权利,不另行通知。Price are subject to change without prior notice.

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这些联系信息可随时更改,不另行通知。This contact information may change without notice.

您不需要另行下载其他语言包。You do not need to download an extra language pack.

菜目及价格如有变更,恕不另行通知。Items & prices are subject to change without notice.

插班生试日期将另行通知。The date for admission test will be announced later.

本桥技术参数发生变更,恕不另行通知。The technica data may be changed without prior notice.

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本行事历若有变动则另行通知。Any changes to this calendar will be notified separately.

亦可预先批量输出成文件,另行安排多份输出。Can export files in advance , then export several copies.

你和你的朋友被停职了,除非另行通知。You and your friend are off the job until further notice.