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深海区可能也同样处于这种缺氧状态。Deep waters are more likely to remain hypoxic.

汕头市澄海区智多星玩具礼品有限公司。Vincent Scholar's Toys Gifts Manufacturing Co. , Ltd.

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中太平洋海区是富钴结壳的主要分布区。Central Pacific seamounts are mainly distribution areas of Co-rich crusts.

就在近海区石油钻井平台之外,新的问题已初露端倪。There are new problems on the horizon, just beyond those oil platforms offshore.

驱逐舰巴罗萨号和海上拖船巨人号载着3500加仑清洁剂紧急驶往出事海区。The destroyer Barrosa and sea tug Giant scurried in with 3500 gallons of detergent.

位于中国广东汕头市澄海区广东省汕头市澄海区广益街道!Located in Chenghai, Shantou City, Guangdong, China Shantou Chenghai Guangyi Street!

孔石莼是一种资源量较大的大型绿藻,在我国主要海区均是优势物种。Ulva pertusa, a kind of marine macroalgae, is a preponderant algae in Chinese sea area.

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对南沙海区观测得的部分温度脉动一深度序列作了正态检验。The Gaussianity test is studied for pretreated and detrended CTD temperature depth series.

根据南沙海区风浪实测资料,阐述了南沙海区波高的分布规律。The distribution regulation of wave heights of the Nansha Sea was summarized in this paper.

位于杭州湾湾口南侧的金塘水道,其潮位特性与杭州湾及浙江省其他海区有显著区别。The Jintang Channel is on the southern side of the mouth of the Hangzhou Bay, Zhejiang Province.

本文还计算和比较各观测海区上空金属从大气输入海水的通量。The fluxes of metals from air to sea were also estimated for the investigated shores and oceans.

通过调查发现,自然海区中,球形棕囊藻的细胞群体普遍比在实验室条件下要大。Results showed that the colony size of P. globosa in natural water was bigger than in laboratory.

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对东海、黄海的近岸、远岸海区空气中陆源性和海洋性微生物含量进行了测定。This paper studied the airborne microbes over some areas of the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea.

这意味着陆源污染和人群活动对近岸海区大气的影响。It means that there was the influence of land pollution and human activity on the nearshore waters.

本文提出了海区中、小型高速船舱室通风的解决措施。Some approaches for improving cabin ventilation of coastal medium and small high vessel are suggested.

卑路乍湾填海区的地区游憩用地建筑工程已于一九九八年八月完成,这是工程计划的一部分。The District Open Space at Belcher Bay Reclamation as part of the project was completed in August 1998.

实践证明这两种结构形式的进海路,在滩海海区具有重要的推广意义。The fact testifies that the sea roads of these two structures, in shallow water, is suitable to spread.

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将研究海区中的水团,视为论域中的模糊子集。A water mass in the sea area under investigation is defined as a fuzzy subset in the discourse universe.

工厂位于世界闻名,享有“玩具礼品城”之称的广东汕头澄海区。It is loaded in the city which is famous and called as "Toys & Craft City"—Chenghai, Guangdong Province.

由聚类方法所得结果看出,在该海区中有八个变性水团。The results obtained by the cluster method show that there are eight modified water-masses in this arca.