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是别人在背后拉线操纵。Someone else is pulling the strings.

为什么我不能设置同一名球员的前拉线和后拉线?。Why can't Ihave farrow anda barrow onthe same player?

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向前拉线起作用的方式和向后拉线完全相反。The total opposite of barrows, this is how farrows work.

为什么我不能设置同一名球员的前拉线和后拉线?Why can't I have a farrow and a barrow on the same player?

你的240有驻车制动拉线方面的毛病吗?Did your 240 have that problem with the sticky parking-brake cable?

耐张类拉线线夹型式优锲式铝合压接两种形式。Strain guy wire clamp has two types which are wedge type and compression joint.

这是因为向后拉线仅在你丢掉控球权时开始起作用。This is achieved because barrows only come into play when you loose possession.

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拉线开关型,延时定时器型、湿度探测型供用户选用安装。Delay electronic timer, humidistat &delay electronic timer models are available.

本实用新型公开了一种能够显示通断状态的拉线开关。The utility model discloses a bracing wire switch which can display on-off state.

本文探讨了一种预绞式拉线耐张线夹模具的加工工艺。This paper studies the production process of one mould of preformed strain clamp.

用卷尺测量张紧拉线孔眼之间的整体长度。Measure the total length of the tension cable from eyelet to eyelet with a tape measure.

这种错位导致连接处出现锋利的刃边,而这种刃边在拉线过程中将电缆划破了。Such misalignments caused sharp edges to be present, which gouged the cable during pulling.

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有普通型、拉线开关型、延时定时器型、湿度控测型供用户选择安装。Standard cord, delay electronic timer, humidistat &delay electronic timer models are available.

这可能是最不为人所知的拉线了,而且也没有多少人确切地知道它们如何起作用。This is probably the most unknown of the arrows and not many people actually know what they do.

它笔直、整齐、冷酷、垂直,是用角尺、拉线和铅锤来达到这一平正和划一的。It was straight, correct, cold, perpendicular, levelled with the square, laid out by rule and line.

经过我几日的请求,终于有工人露面了,为定居点拉线通电。A few days after my inquiry, workers showed up at the settlement to begin wiring the homes for electricity.

用卷尺测量张紧拉线孔眼中心之间的整体长度。Measure the total length of the tension cable from centre of eyelet to centre of eyelet with a tape measure.

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施工中采用拉线透视方法、吊线法进行质量控制,效果较好。Perspective method and plumbing method are used to control quality in the construction, achieving a good effect.

这些设计一些纷繁复杂的拉线战术的人,他们是依靠ME中的一些人为漏洞来不公平的击败AI的。They design multi-arrowed exploitative tactics that rely on artificial holes in the ME to unfairly outwit the AI.

有电动型、拉线开关型、延时定时器型、湿度探测型供用户选用安装。Electric automatic actuator type cord delay electronic timer, humidistat &delay electronic timer models are available.