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最后会变成骨胶和马肉。Its glue and horse meat in the end.

它是一家专业生产明胶和骨胶。It is specialized in producing gelatin and bone glue.

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如在水中略加些骨胶水,效果更好。As in water a little better effect, some bone glue water.

砂纸中把砂和纸粘在一起的胶水实际上就是骨胶。In sandpaper, bone glue is actually the glue between the sand and the paper.

增强肌肤自身骨胶原生成,令肌肤紧致有弹性,焕发活力神采。Strengthen the formation of ossein, keep skin firm and vigorous with high luster.

研究了骨胶蛋白质石膏缓凝剂对石膏凝结时间和强度的影响。The effect of bone glue protein retarder on setting time and strength of gypsum is studied.

骨胶夏日减肥饮品原归属细胞外基质复合物,是人体必须的重要蛋白质。Collagen belongs to Extracellular matrix ECM complex, which is the essential protein inside the body.

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河北省阜城县津津明胶厂经营的工业明胶、食用明胶、骨胶畅销消费者市场。Fucheng County, Hebei Province Jin-Jin gelatin factory-operated industrial gelatin, edible gelatin, bone glue-selling consumer market.

河北省阜城县津津明胶厂经销的工业明胶、食用明胶、骨胶品种齐全、价格合理。Fucheng County, Hebei Province Jin-Jin gelatin plant distribution industrial gelatin, edible gelatin, bone glue range, price is reasonable.

本文介绍了国内外食用磷酸钙盐的概况,详细介绍了磷酸净化法、骨胶浸取法等食品级磷酸氢钙的生产工艺以及应用情况。Production technologies of food grade calcium hydrogen phosphate such as phosphoric acid purification method, bone glue extraction method and applications are introduced in detail.

高强度混凝土的配合比设计应该遵循低水灰比、低砂率、高骨胶比的原则,这样才能达到比较理想的效果。The mix design of strong concrete should follow the principles of low water-cement ratio, low sand ratio and high bone-glue ratio, thus the relatively satisfying effect can be achieved.

在分析骨胶基本性质的基础上,对其处理冬季松花江水的效果进行了研究。Based on analyzing properties of bone-glue 9 jar tests have been carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of bone-glue in enhancing flocculation of low temperature and low turbidity water treatment.