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许多油漆可用松节油稀释。Most paints reduce with turpentine.

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这可能会稀释好消息。That may not be undiluted good news.

洗涤剂不能被使用未稀释。Detergents must not be used undiluted.

这就是众所周知的反稀释条款。This is known as an anti-dilution provision.

设计了一个空气引射器作为第一级稀释装置。Thefirst stage is achieved by an air ejector.

稀释-或许它拥有太多的多样化。It's possible to have too much diversification.

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阿洗稀释的水漆的混合物。A wash is diluted mixture of the paint in water.

使用氨之前用水稀释它。Dilute the ammonia with water before you use it.

将蚯蚓放在稀释盐溶液中。These worms are placed in dilute salt solutions.

对于股东来说,这将意味着股权稀释。For shareholders 33, that would mean dilution 34.

取上清液稀释,进行AAS测定。The supernatant was diluted to AAS determination.

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工蜂的口粮则是由蜂蜜和花粉稀释了的王浆。Workers' rations are diluted with honey and pollen.

这种情况下,他们的股份会被大幅稀释。In this case, their stake will be massively diluted.

牛肉,水,玉米淀粉、柠檬稀释汁。Beef, Water, Corn Starch and Lemon Juice Concentrate.

通过稀释实验,证明所得奶味香精香味是酶解前的200倍。The flavor is 200 times stronger than that of butter.

CH3COOH加水稀释后,氢离子浓度变不变?。After the water dilute CH3COOH chroma, constant change?

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本品呈微堿性,可用稀释的矿物酸或食用醋酸中和之。May be neutralized with dilute mineral acid or vinegar.

用水稀释后冲洗或喷雾或浸涤。Overwash, spraying or dip in after dilute it with water.

解决污染物的通用方法就是稀释法。The current solution to pollution is generally dilution.