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总之不要折磨我!Don't torture me!

总之,这就是日本。So, this is Japan.

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总之,答对了In a way it's correct.

总之,好男人是一位有心人。A good man has a heart.

总之,这是关于“失态效应“的实验。All right. So blundering.

总之,欢迎回到1938年。In short, welcome to 1938.

总之就是一派胡言。This is, in a word, hogwash.

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总之,他是一个专业的政客。In short, he is a technocrat.

总之,气氛非常的轻松。it's a very relaxed environment.

总之,天下没有免费的午餐。In short, there is no free lunch.

总之,我有一个不算坏的结果。After all, I got a not-bad result.

总之花椒全身都是宝。Overall pepper body is a treasure.

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总之,我住的地方真的很便利。so it's actually really convenient.

总之,这是近似值。And this is an approximation anyway.

总之,你们的价值观念究竟是什么?What, in short, are your values now?

最后只能说“总之就是不对的”And finally, "Well, it's just wrong."

总之他——最后终于——娶了她。Anyhow, he-- eventually--married her.

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总之,面包团落到了那个院子里。This little pellet falls in the yard.

总之我不见到是不相信的。Anyway-ill believe it when ill see it.

总之,它是一个聪明的反茶花女的电影。Above all, it's a smart anti-Pygmalion.