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如何开展一场竞选?How do you campaign?

四要大力开展科技指导服务。technology services.

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能够迅速开展工作。Ability to work QUICKLY.

负责新址开展。I do new site development.

开展二期工程!Plan for Phase II Project!

三要大规模开展粮食高产创建。high yield in large-scale.

摄影图片展于七月三日开展Photo exhibition opens July 3rd

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开展感恩节糕饼义卖慈善活动。Hold a Thanksgiving charity bake sale.

运动正在蓬勃开展。The movement is developing vigorously.

贺俊峰质问他怎么开展?He Junfeng question him how to proceed?

按照业务要求开展工作。Wks in line with business requirements.

流的迅速开展,很快离开。The swift stream carried it quickly away.

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同时,我们也认识到,我们还要开展更多工作。We also recognize that we need to do more.

检查行人是否横穿马路的行动已开展了。Actions have been taken to check jaywalking.

跨过整个大地,开展新的黎明。All across the land, dawns a brand-new morn.

现在地质灾害组织正在寻求资助以开展这项工作。GHI is now seeking funds to start this work.

他鼓足劲头来开展新的工作。He gathered up his strength for the new job.

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他下令对此事开展调查。He ordered an investigation into the affair.

或许它们将无意于再开展任何产品推广活动。Maybe they will not do any promotion at all.

指导和支持全店员工开展工作。Provide leadership to the entire store staff.