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我从粉红色的云彩堕下,掷地有声。I fell off my pink cloud with a thud.

风不惧把「活得过三天」五个字说得掷地有声!Feng Buju spoke the words "survived longer than 3 days" with great emphasis.

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洛杉矶市参议会成员赫博.维森指出,马丁.路德.金的话仍然掷地有声。Los Angeles City Council member Herb Wesson says King’s words still resonate.

如是,掷地有声的活力,即便数十年后聼来仍十分新鲜。As such, this crackles with vitality, sounding fresh decades after its release.

中国总理的话掷地有声,它所传递的信息是那样坚定、那样明确。Chinese Prime Minister's resounding words, the message that it is as firm as clear.

已过“耳顺之年”的王国春精神矍铄,说话时更是掷地有声。Over "a year ear-shun" the spirit of Wang Guochun healthy, speak more resounding yes.

经年之后,树皮斑驳,曾经掷地有声的盟誓已经模糊不清。After a few years, bark mottled, once the trothing has extremely elegant and valuable.

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这掷地有声的话语再次证明中巴友谊情比海深。His stirring words again show that China-Pakistan friendship is indeed deeper than the sea.

在日前召开的全市规划工作会议上,南京市委书记罗志军的话掷地有声。In the city recently held a planning meeting, the secretary of the Nanjing City Luozhijun so soon.

这是一串深浅不一的脚印,也是一段掷地有声的宣言。This is a bunch of different shades of footprints, but also a section of the Universal Declaration of sound.

微软一反常道,决定力挽走在下坡路的市场份额,而且每一步行动都掷地有声。Microsoft reversed its course and decided to fight back against marketshare slippage, and it did it with force.

汉密尔顿掷地有声的话语惊醒了坐席上昏昏欲睡的人们,但从未登上头条,也没有引起大的改变。Hamilton’s words prompted vigorous nods of agreement across the aisle, but never made headlines or produced major changes.

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英国化学家C·P·斯诺50年前就科学的文化意义所做的一次有影响力的演讲,直到今天还掷地有声。An influential lecture on the cultural significance of science remains as relevant today as when it was delivered 50 years ago.

让你在第一本小说里,掷地有声地向人们说话,所以你想写自传。It's what allowed you to speak so powerfully to people in your first novel, and you've always wanted to write an autobiography.

奥巴马总统掷地有声的演讲,赢得了热烈的欢迎和如潮的掌声,不过若还是纸上谈兵也会很快被遗忘。Mr Obama's ringing oratory , which drew waves of applause and a rousing ovation, will soon be forgotten unless it is followed by deeds.

当辞职时的形势不太好时,把辞职信当做渠道来表达意见,希望掷地有声的做法可能颇有吸引力。When the circumstances of one's departure are unpleasant, it can be tempting to use the resignation letter as a forum for getting the last word.

“我要安全”,南航贵州公司以人为本、严把质量关的口号掷地有声。"I want security " , boat Guizhou company is with the person south this, the catchword that fathers to close quality casts the ground is phonic.

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这股强大的力量不仅反映在数百万人掷地有声的抗议中,也投射在由罢工、游行所掀起的后续浪潮上。This mighty power is not reflected only in millions-strong protests, but also in the subsequent waves of labor strikes and popular demonstrations.

在此次联合国峰会上,奥巴马总统的演讲掷地有声却缺乏实质,因为他提出的减排指标在国内面临强烈反对。At the same UN summit, President Obama offered strong rhetoric but little substance as he faces fierce domestic opposition to proposed carbon cuts.

即便是在世界文学史上,弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫,这位二十世纪英国文学最杰出的女作家也无疑是个掷地有声的名字。Even if in world literature history, Virginia Woolf, the most brilliant woman writer in the 20th century English literature is undoubtedly renowned.