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这是我的苦处。This is my difficulty.

哎,伙计,你的苦处在哪里。Hey, dude, you suffering in where?

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如果你需要谁倾听你的苦处,我在这儿呢。If you need a sympathetic ear, I am here.

藏凶,藏,皆为苦处之地。Tibetan fierce, hide, all is troubling land.

王问妇人说,你有什么苦处。And the king said unto her, What aileth thee?

他详尽地叙述了自己的苦处。He recited his own sufferings at full length.

你可不知道灾民的苦处。You don't know how they suffered as disaster victims.

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她决定坦率地和他讲自己的苦处。She decided to level with him about her own sufferings.

在大家庭里做媳妇,这苦处是不难想到的。This hardship is easy to think of as a wife in a large family.

⊙、人生须知负责任的苦处,才能知道尽责任的乐趣。Notice responsible hardship of life in order to know all about the fun of responsibility.

在归途中,我们讨论到只在乡下的快乐和农夫的苦处。On the way back, we talked about the pleasure of the country people and the pain of the farmers.

我知道身边没有一个父亲的苦处,当然我的处境没有像今天许多年轻人的处境那么不幸。I know what it means to have an absent father, although my circumstances weren’t as tough as they are for many young people today.

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她确实没有做好恋爱的思想准备,而且最大的原因就是不希望魏渭陪她一起承担不为人知的苦处。She did not prepare for the thoughts of love, and the single biggest reason, however, is not hope Wei Wei assume unknown suffering with her.

阿尔塞纳-温格表示,他能够体谅如今球迷的苦处,但是大家也应该理解现在想卖完球票更加不易了。Arsène Wenger appreciates the plight of the modern day supporter and thinks people should accept that selling out matches is harder these days.

可是,等我大些了,开始渐渐理解我妈的苦处,她恨我父亲,恨那个不负责任的男人,她把恨都转嫁到了我的身上。However, some such as me, and began to understand the grievances of my mother, she hated my father, the irresponsible hate men, she had passed on to the hate me.

要供应链中的所有参与者完成数据交换标准化也是一大苦处,各个相关的团体在过去几年里一直在处理这个问题。Standardization in the data exchange between participants in the supply chain is also a big pain point that various organizations have been dealing with in the past years.