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使用平实的语言并且要简短。Use plain language and make it quick.

以平实简单的语言编纂法规。Plain-language drafting of regulations.

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最后,经济学人信仰平实的语言。Lastly, The Economist believes in plain language.

运用平实、简单的语言就能遏制流言的产生。Put a lid on rumors by using plain, simple language.

用平实、没有术语的语言使他们理解Speak in plain, jargon-free language they can understand.

他的演出自然、平实,不使用奇特的动物道具。He's not as campy or flashy and doesn't use exotic animals.

将折叠好的格宾置于平实的地面展开,压平多余的折痕。The folded in plain ground gabion, flattened extra creases.

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最平实的语言往往具有最强大的力量。The simplest use of words can often have the greatest power.

但重庆人平实的生活画面还没有失去!But the frame of Chongqing people's realistic lives stays the same.

这都还是对当前互联网正发生的事情的相当平实的反映.Again, this is a fair reflection of what is happening on the internet.

这次他们终于孕能够可以拥有幸福快活最平实的关系了。This time around they will finally be in a happy, drama-free relationship!

陶渊明诗歌“癯而实腴”,陶诗叠词平实中透着纤巧,诗意盎然。Tao Yuanming's poems are said to be perfect unity of naturalness and artistry.

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斯隆管理学院以平实的定量管理方法而著名。The Sloan School of Management is renowned for no-nonsense quantitative methods.

柯洛兰尽力帮助籍里柯用平实的语言来表达这种难以言传的美。Crosland does her best to help de Chirico to express the ineffable in plain language.

平实的杯身,大大杯口,看起来像是普通,用起来就是不一样!Even and solid cup body consumedly the cup look like the commonness use is different!

与其他的艺术家与众不同的是,他的作品表现的更个体,而平实。Unlike the other artists in the exhibit, his work seems more personal, less didactic.

平实的感情诠释,却也入木三分,发人深省。The annotation to common sensation was more than penetrating, which set people thinking.

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以此观照汪曾祺小说,平实美、和谐美、淡化美三种审美倾向值得重视。Judging Wang Zengqi s fictions according to this, the beauty of plainess, harmony as well a.

每个子节都包含以平实的语言根据上下文提出相关要求的陈述。Each contains a statement in English prose that places the related requirements into context.

如我常处于能另自己感动但平实的状态时,新的世界就此展开。When I am able to feel comfortable and at the same time being moved, a new world is opened up.