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组织黄金销售押运。Organizing escort of gold shipment.

秦琼带领押运队伍经过一片山间小道。QinQiong lead escort team after a piece of mountain path.

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这项计划需要严格的后勤保障和军方押运。The plan would require tight logistics and a military escort.

卡车由两到三名武装人员组成的小组押运。Trucks are guarded by a team of two or three armed personnel.

有一辆装甲车或全副武装的警察押运,安全就有了保证。An armoured car or a heavily armed police escort ensures safety.

本实用新型用于战车、押运车。The utility model is applied to war vehicles and escort vehicles.

他被送上火车,押运到莫斯科并告诉他他将被带到北极圈。He was put on a train to Moscow and told he was being taken to the Arctic Circle.

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马家辉觉得这个音讯可能是真的,他还得查分明几人押运。MaGuHui think this message might be true, he has yet to find a few people with him.

Pope说从来没有见过这种申请被批准的,但是他会安排将Lincoln押运去他儿子处。Pope tells him he’s never seen a visit of this nature approved, but he’ll arrange the travel.

雷远和简怡押运着简家出坛的第六十万坛酒,往家里赶。LeiYuan and JianYi escort six hundred thousandth Janes family altar altar wine, into the house.

贵重金属通常由上了保险的搬运公司或装甲押运公司运送。Precious metals are typically shipped by insured carrier services or armored trucking companies.

押运行业若无高新技术支撑,就仍是“拿着枪支的运输公司”。If there is no transportation industry of high-tech support, it is still a gun transport company.

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押运队伍随后进行了突围并在一个陆军炮兵营的防线内得到了保护。The guard then broke off action and found protection within the perimeter of an Army artillery battalion.

穆罕默德补充说,押运他们去警局的卡车在路上遇到一群逊尼派暴徒的掷石袭击。The truck transporting them to the police station had been attacked by a stone-throwing mob, Mohammed added.

按照国际惯例,银行的现钞押运都是交由专业的押运公司承担。According to the international rule, the bank cash convoy all is undertaken by the specialized convoy company.

船上有古希腊边锡尼王国的乘客,可能是押运货物的商人。There were also passengers from the archaic Greek kingdom of Mycenae, likely to be merchants accompanying the cargo.

六月一日早晨,零陵区邮局的装甲车像往常一样在邮政银行押运现金。A Lingling post office armored car set off as usual on the morning of June 1 to collect funds from postal savings banks around town.

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一群保安护卫公司的职员由于缺钱决定冒险抢劫自己公司押运的千万巨款。A crew of officers for an armored transport security firm risks their lives when they embark on the ultimate heist against their own company.

上船并押运并考察航次尽快运行情况,对他们将免费提供房间并供应与船长相同的伙食标准,费用由租船人负担。They are to be furnished with free accommodations and same fare as provided for the Master's table, victualling expenses to be for Charterers' account.

由随队兽医对受伤马进行检查,如有必要给予现场处理救治,然后派员将受伤马押运转移。The injured horse shall be inspected by the team veterinary, if necessary, provide On-site Remedies and rescues and send the injured horse to transfer with escort.