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你什么意思,从太平间出来?What do you mean, from the morgue?

“我从太平间出来,”父亲说。“I’m from the morgue, ” the father said.

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然后我去查看了一下太平间,他的尸体不见了。Then I went to check the morgue, and his body was gone.

这时一些男性走了进来,将尸体带到太平间。Some men came and removed the corpse to bringit to the morgue.

那天早上在太平间里,棺材已经被盖上了。At the mortuary that morning, the coffin had already been closed.

除了警署的医生以外,任何男人都不许进太平间。Not another man, except the police doctor, can enter the dead-room.

你准备先带她去哪?医院还是太平间?。Where are you going to take her first, the hospital or the morgue ?

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你能想象得到我在太平间的情况吗?Can you imagine? What had happened was that I was taken to the morgue.

他来到地下室走廊,顺着箭头指示到了太平间。He went down to the basement corridor and followed the arrows to the morgue.

他说,莫斯科的太平间非常拥挤,1,500个停尸位中的1,300个已被占满。He said the city's morgues are filling up, with 1,300 of the 1,500 slots taken.

还有那些街上的尸体,那些在太平间等着认领的陈尸。So do the corpses in the streets and the ones waiting for identification in the morgue.

他们到了太平间,受到值班人员劈头盖脸的痛骂,算作打了招呼。They reached the morgue, and were greeted there by the curses of the attendant on duty.

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想到母亲一个人躺在太平间里,我心如刀绞。In thought of mother lying in mortuary alone, my heart was as painful as wrung by knife.

一具男孩的腐尸7年来存放在市太平间里。PHILADELPHIA -- The decomposed body of a young boy had rested seven years in the city morgue.

太平间助理已经把托盘推到田世福医生旁边,准备进行Y型切。Themorgue attendant had pushed the tray next to Dr. Tierney, in preparation for theY-incision.

另外九名分子被印度突击队队员毙命,他们的尸体仍摆在市太平间里。The other nine terrorists were killed by Indian commandos and their bodies remain in the city morgue.

周六在主要的太平间里,亲属们悲伤地紧紧抓着彼此,走过去识别遇难者的遗体。At the main morgue on Saturday, relatives clutched one another in grief as they went to identify their dead.

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你没有看到啊,她手腕上绑着个红色的标签,太平间里的每个尸体都绑有的那中标签。Didn't you see there was a red label tied around her wrist?Every corpse has such a red label in the mortuary.

济宁医学院附属医院表示,该院太平间两名工作人员已被警方拘留。Police detained two morgue workers from the Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University, the hospital said.

在女川体育场后面,警方设立了一个失踪人员中心,和一个用来停放罹难者遗体的太平间。Behind Onagawa's athletic stadium, police have created a missing person's center and a morgue to hold the bodies.