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他最近一直在欧洲奔忙,并在各个饭店进行旅馆式办公。He has been hotelling in Europe.

四处奔忙的时候轻松查找信息。Find out information easily while on the go.

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你每天都要早早开始工作,每时每刻都要紧张地奔忙。You start early and move fast every moment each day.

天各一方的奔忙总是漫长。Always hustle and bustle in every corner of the earth.

因为金星,3月1-6日你的事业或需要你四处奔忙。Venus will create a career buzz about you from March 1-6.

她到处奔忙,极力同时伺候两位顾客。She bustled about trying to wait on two customers at once.

走出这地下漆黑的路,为生活奔忙。When walking into the dark underpass, busy for your living.

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给神一个机会来供应你,然后你再出去奔忙。Give God a chance to provide before you go out and charge it.

史密斯先生是个政治家.他正在为竞选统治者而奔忙.Mr. Smith is a politician.He’s running for election as governor.

与上面提到的“散步”类似,但是少了几分活动的奔忙。Similar to “take a walk” above, but without the bustle of activity.

拉拉队长们在演出前兴奋地奔忙着。The cheerleaders bustled about excitingly before their performance.

CoLAB将简单合作社变成了一个时髦的、值得奔忙的项目。CoLAB transformed the simple co-op into a funky, buzz-worthy project.

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大多数人整日里只为养家糊口而奔忙,庸庸碌碌了此一生。Most people they raise a family, they earn a living and then they die.

如果你奔忙不停,很可能你是奔忙在由技术所驱动的社会中。If you make haste, you probably make it in the technology-driven world.

当夏季来临,这些动物都在为生存而奔忙。But as summer approaches, these animals struggle to eke out an existence.

最近的争论让你烦心,你为了让事情定下来已经足够奔忙了。Recent squabbles worried you, enough that you're in a rush to get things settled.

这是些高度及腰的圆柱形移动机器人,它们成群结队,四处奔忙。These were waist-high cylindrical mobile robots that skittered around in a flock.

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随着当今世界生活节奏日益加快,我们似乎一直在不停奔忙。As the pace of life in today’s world grows ever faster, we seem forever on the go.

花园朦胧的天空中,一只鹳的身影清晰可见,正在忧心忡忡地奔忙着。Conspicuous in the hazy sky above the garden a stork bustles about apprehensively.

花园朦胧的天空中,一只鹳的身影清晰可见,正在忧心忡忡地奔忙着。Conspicuous in the hazy sky above the garden,a stork bustles about apprehensively.