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画直线或者折线。Draw lines or polylines.

是一条直线,不可以往回走?。Wshxzt can eat at a line.

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就是这条直线的斜率is the slope of this line.

执行一个直线序列的程序。Simply walk down that list.

这三个点成一条直线。The three points are linear.

是条直线,谢谢你的回答It's a straight line, thank you.

光是沿直线传播。Light travels in straight lines.

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价格直线上升。Price has risen perpendicularly.

光是沿着直线传播的。Light diffuses alone the beeline.

采用标准直线导轨。Using standard beeline guide rail.

直线的斜率是多少?And so what is the slope of that line?

这意味着直线是平行于平面的。That means it's parallel to the plane.

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我们知道如何参数化这条直线。We know how to parameterize this line.

这个关系式给了你一个非常漂亮的直线。So this gives you a nice straight line.

一条与曲面相切的直线。And that line is tangent to the surface.

脚尖的方向和小腿在一条直线上。Place your feet in line with your shins.

一条直线横划在地图上。A straight line was ruled across the map.

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选取草图的最右侧直线。Select the right-most line of the sketch.

这些数据非常完美的落在直线上。That's fall nicely on this straight line.

轮子必须同架子对准在同一直线上。The wheel must be aligned with the frame.