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高文爵士是亚瑟王的外甥。Sir Gawain was Arthur’s nephew.

他说,‘我是说外甥,孩子。’"I said nephew, boy, " said he.

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今天我在家照看我的小外甥。Today, I was babysitting my nephew.

别戏弄新来的小伙子啊,他是我外甥。Don't hoax the new boy who's my nephew.

这是斯克鲁奇外甥弗雷德的声音。It was the voice of Scrooge's nephew Fred.

而天赋只是成功的远房外甥。Talent is merely success’s distant cousin.

我的小外甥还没有学会说话。My little cousin hasn t learned to speak yet.

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在我的电话,我让他编为'外甥'。In my phone, I have him programmed as 'nephew.

我的外甥是一名棒球运动员。他是一名接球员。My nephew is a baseball player. He is a catcher.

实不相瞒,那个天使是我的小外甥。To tell the truth, the angel is my little nephew.

大半夜里,我哥哥和外甥去弄燃油。At midnight my brother and nephew went to get fuel.

我的小外甥一天到晚都黏著他妈妈。My little nephew sticks to his mom twenty-four seven.

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偏巧今天早上,我们夫人的外甥,弗兰克林先生就来了。Only this morning came my lady's nephew, mr. franklin.

我的外甥乔治有一个存钱罐,可里面老是空空如也。My nephew,George,has a money box but it is always empty.

她对林肯说,他不会活得很长的,见不到他的外甥出世了。She tells Linc he won't live long enough to be an uncle.

他甚至胁迫天行者的外甥女杰娜·索洛加入自己的阵营。He even coerced Jaina Solo, Skywalker's niece to his side.

于是达西先生便代替了她的位置,和她外甥女儿并排走。Darcy took her place by her niece, and they walked on together.

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过了一会儿我去厨房给他准备点心,只听得一声巨响……我外甥像海绵宝宝那样把我的新吉他砸得粉碎。My nephew smashing my brand new guitar to be like Spongebob. FML

当他和外甥碰杯时,他的手也哆嗦了。His hand shook too, as he clinked his glass against his nephew's.

你是说那部老速克达吗?我五千块卖给我外甥了。You mean that old scooter? I sold it to my nephew for five grand.