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是一次睦邻之旅。A journey of good-neighborliness.

一种睦邻友善之举。A sort of neighbourly friendliness.

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你们在卫生方面是近邻,而且是睦邻。You are close neighbours in health, and you are good neighbours.

就中共第三波的睦邻政策整体的发展而言,可区分为三个阶段。The third wave of "Good-Neighbor Policy" could be divided into three stages.

睦邻外交是周恩来外交思想的重要组成部分。Good-neighbor policy is one of the important parts of Zhou Enlai foreign thoughts.

我们需要重建睦邻关系,以帮助人们保持独立。We need to rebuild that neighbourly resilience that helps people stay independent.

我们特别重视发展同邻近国家的睦邻关系。We lay special stress on developing good-neighbourly relations with nearby countries.

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美国的地位从执行睦邻政策时期以来,也已经一落千丈了。In the field of world policy I would dedicate this nation to the policy of the good neighbor.

现在需要的就是睦邻关系,这样,中国在未来才能有更快的发展。What we need now is good-neighborly relationship for China's rapid development in the future.

本文尝试从历史变迁的角度,分析与探讨中共后冷战时期的睦邻政策。This article seeks to analyze and explore China's "Good-Neighbor Policy" in the post-cold war era.

年内,丰盛街的110个新宿舍单位及睦邻街的27个新宿舍单位先后竣工。Work completed during the year included 110new quarters at Fung Shing Street and 27 at Muk Lun Street.

胡锦涛说,中国奉行“睦邻、安邻、富邻”的周边外交政策。Hu Jintao said that China follows a policy of "bringing harmony, security and prosperity to neighbors".

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我们最希望周边保持安宁,反对一切导致周边动荡、破坏睦邻互信的行为。China wishes itss tranquility and opposes any act that undermines regional , good-liness and mutual trust.

和世界各国建立柔远睦邻的友好关系。这一外交攻策在当时的世界上独放异彩。These foreign policies were unique in the world at that time in contrast to those of the colonial countries.

恩赫巴亚尔表示,蒙中睦邻互信伙伴关系发展顺利。Enkhbayar indicated that bilateral partnership of good-neighborliness and mutual trust has been developing smoothly.

还让我瞬间想了到了家庭、友谊和睦邻的重要。And of the things that have remained constant, such as the importance of family, friendship and good neighbourliness.

胡锦涛说,同蒙古发展睦邻互信伙伴关系是中方的战略选择。Hu said that to develop the good-neighborly partnership with mutual trust with Mongolia is a strategic choice of China.

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中国积极致力于东亚合作,目的是为了“睦邻、安邻、富邻”。China is dedicated to the East Asian cooperation with the goal of creating an amicable, secure and prosperous neighborhood.

这能产生良性循环的影响,鼓励更多的睦邻关系及更多有吸引力的社交活动。This has an upward spiraling effect, encouraging more neighborliness and more small acts that create attractive social places.

在我们进入兔年春节之际,这一在传统上,意味着家庭团聚以及睦邻祥和节日。That is especially true this year as we entered the Year of Rabbit, a year traditionally associated with home, family and peace.