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那里长着大量奇花异草。Exotic plants grew there in great abundance.

岸边的奇花异草,是拘留不住奔腾向前的江水的。The shore, is detained pentium forward of the water in the river.

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这里奇花异草丰富,林相完整,群落多样。Where flowers and herbs rich, forest integrity, and diverse communities.

这里奇花异草丰富,林相完整,群落多样。Exotic flowers and rare herbs rich here, form complete, community diversity.

在花展上我们看到许多见所未见的奇花异草。I saw and heard of many strange things of which I had hitherto been unaware.

这里满山遍野都是郁郁葱葱的苍松翠柏和引人入胜的奇花异草。Fill the fields here are the green and luxuriant pines and Calocedrus attractive plants.

这个小旅馆是个木制的小棚屋,屋顶是稻草做的,小棚屋的四周掩映着各种漂亮的奇花异草。It's a wooden hut with a straw roof, hidden in amongst all kinds of beautiful and exotic flowers.

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他在紧临着一座长满奇花异草的华丽的花园洋房旁的一所旧房子里租了一间屋住下。He took a room in an old house next to a magnificent garden filled with strange flowers and other plants.

我发现你非常喜欢花。那就靠近些来看我父亲的奇花异草吧。"I see you love flowers, " she said. "And so you have come to take a closer look at my father's rare collection. "

昨日,光秃秃的山坡如今成了一个“聚宝盆”,里面有奇花异草、珍奇异树、珍贵药材。Yesterday, the denuded hillsides now become a "treasure bowl", which are plants that and exotica tree, precious medicinal herbs.

倦倚姹紫嫣红婀娜的春色,家门口,更多奇花异草沁香流露。Tired of the beauties of spring, graceful and purples relies on the doorstep, more rare flowers &grasses musical group ooze incense reveal.

克斯坦博西植物园是世界上植被种类最多的植物园之一,在这里可以观赏到开普植被群各种各样的奇花异草。View the hugely diverse and beautiful plants and flowers of the Cape flora in one of the most comprehensive botanical gardens in the world.

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在溪水、垒石、木屋、奇花异草衬托下,形成了浓郁萧湘文化特色的园林景观。A garden sight featuring a strong Xiaoxiang culture is displayed here, against the stream, rocks, wooden houses and exotic flowers and grasses.

游客无不为澳大利亚境内的各种珍禽异兽和奇花异草所折服。None of the tourists is not marveling at the profuse variety of fauna and flora within the boundary of Australia that are utterly outlandish and exotic.

他们家的屋子后面有个小窗户,从那里可以看到一个美丽的花园,里面长满了奇花异草。These people had a little window at the back of their house from which a splendid garden could be seen, which was full of the most beautiful flowers and herbs.

其中有千年古木,奇花异草,四时变化,色彩纷呈,倒影斑斓,气象万千,是夏季消暑的理想之地。There are thousands of years old trees, exotic flowers and rare herbs, four changes, colorful, gorgeous reflection, majestic and grand, is ideal for the summer to cool.

奇花异草处处,珍禽野兽时现,万亩松林氧吧,并有成千上万的野生猕猴相伴,有如世外桃源。Plants are everywhere frequent appearance of rare birds beasts, piles of pine forest oxygen bars accompanied by tens of thouss of wild monkeys, it's indeed like paradise.

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我们在巴克礼公园不但发现了许许多多奇形怪状的奇花异草,也探索到了各式各样的可爱动物们,更让我们学习到了更多新的知识!We have not only discovered many types of flowers and grasses in the Barclay Ritual Park, we have also explored all kinds of lovable animals, and let us study more knowledge!

据联合国透露,如果不采取更有效地措施保护,到2040年将有三分之二的森林、奇花异草和野生动物将会灭绝。According to the United Nations, up to two-thirds of the forest and its unique plants and wildlife could be lost by 2040 unless more effective measures are taken to protect it.

游客还可以欣赏澳大利亚境内的各种珍禽奇兽、奇花异草,享受这里充足的阳光和宜人的气候。结识富有情趣、和蔼友善、胸襟宽广的澳洲人。The tourist will admire a wide array of unique and intriguing animals and plants, and a sunny and comfortable climate, and meet an interesting, cosmopolitan and friendly people.