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这个僧院建于1652年。The monastery dates from 1652.

这个僧院充满了邪恶和腐息。The Monastery reeks with evil and corruption.

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有一个僧院戒规森严。There once was a monastery that was very strict.

鹿野苑僧院遗址,远处是达美克佛塔。Ancient Buddhist monasteries near Dhamekh Stupa Monument Site, Sarnath.

他往东方前进,前往由萝格僧院所看守的山区。He was headed east to the mountain pass guarded by the Rogue Monastery.

其中水平较高的有僧院学校和大主教学校。Monastery which has a high level of schools and the Archbishop of schools.

一位僧侣在这个僧院度过了他的第一个十年之后,来到主持僧侣面前。After spending his first ten years at the monastery, one monk went to the head monk.

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远离4号洞是一条小峡谷和一座僧院,由几个寺庙组成。Beyond the fourth cave are a small ravine and a monastery, consisting of several temples.

我相信现在崔斯特瑞姆的英雄,就是那个黑暗的流浪者,在僧院沦入恶魔手中之前所经过的那个人。I believe now that Tristram's hero was that Dark Wanderer who passed this way before the Monastery fell.

所有的僧院及寺庙都应该将佛法宣扬给一般民众并深入当地社区。All Vihars and Gombas should reach out to the common people, the local communities and share its knowledge.

随之证实,他们在丢掷石块,虐待中国士兵,这部分士兵封锁了去往僧院的通道。As it turned out, they were throwing stones and abuse at PLA soldiers who were blockading the passage to a monastery.

我把你那玩艺儿撑大了,我把皱纹都熨平了,跟我干过以后,你尽可同公马、公牛、公羊、公鸭子和一只瑞士圣伯尔拿僧院驯养的雪山救人犬干。I have set the shores a little wider. I have ironed out the wrinkles. After me you can take on stallions, bulls, rams, drakes, St.

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历史记载,在这些山里曾经可能有10座僧院,但如今已无踪迹。Historical writings suggest that there may once have been as many as 10 monasteries in these hills, but today there is no trace of them.

我的母亲很爱我,所以当我在很小就离开家被送去僧院俢行的时候,我每天都非常的思念她,这也是我当时觉得最痛苦的事。My mother used to love me a lot. When I was sent to monastery at a young age, I used to miss my mother terribly. That was my greatest sorrow then.

接着他们就动身去找一间过夜的小屋,当他们到达山谷时,附近僧院的钟声刚刚响过十二点,人们都停止了歌唱。Then they went on their way to seek out a place to spend the night.They had just arrived in the valley when the bell from a neighboring monastery struck twelve.

接着他们就动身去找一间过夜的小屋,当他们到达山谷时,附近僧院的钟声刚刚响过十二点,人们都停止了歌唱。Then they went on their way to seek out a place to spend the night. They had just arrived in the valley when the bell from a neighboring monastery struck twelve.

故事大都发生在奇怪的地方--倾圮的僧院,莱茵河上的城堡--笼罩着微妙、朦胧或恐怖骇人的气氛。Indeed all his stories have the special poe flavour. many of them are set in strange places-a ruined abbey, a castle on the rhine-with elaborate and dimly or luridly lit decors.

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当地人称这尊象徵新纪元之爱的弥勒菩萨端坐在一个宝座上,四周有僧院、供静坐用凉亭、修閒中心与公园围绕。届时这尊佛像完成后必定会为当地带来许多朝圣的旅客。People speak of a "symbol of love for the new millennium" Maitreya is seated upon a throne, surrounded by monasteries, meditation pavilions, guest housing, retreat centres and parks.