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这两种理论各有千秋,但它们是并行不悖的。The two theories vary, but they are compassable.

两校学生棋逢对手、各有千秋,比赛在友好的气氛中顺利进行。The match went with a swing in a friendly atmosphere.

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对于这一类的图书装订方法有很多种,各有千秋。For this kind of bookbinding methods, is a great deal.

辣椒的口味千差万别,形状各有千秋,颜色多彩缤纷,当然——名称也五花八门。Chiles come in a variety of flavors, shapes and colors--and names.

在美国,最成功的创业者各有千秋。In the United States, the most successful entrepreneurs look different.

京剧流派异彩纷呈,风格迥异各有千秋,在京剧舞台与艺坛上熠熠生辉。Beijing Opera has many schools with distinct styles and their own merits.

这两种方式各有千秋,不过我更偏爱后者。Both of these solutions have their merits, but I am more partial to the later.

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而是说,每种媒体在媒介生态系统中各有千秋,相互补充。Rather, I'm simply pointing out that each has its place in the media ecosystem.

这三种珐琅工艺相互借鉴,各有千秋。These three techniques of enamel have their own advantages and learn from each other.

同时,他们的文章思想内容、风格特征也各有千秋。At the same time, their ideological content of the article, the style is different features.

中国画和欧洲油画各有千秋,承载着各自的文化。Chinese drawing and European painting have their own advantages and inherit their own culture.

欧洲世界文化遗产星罗棋布,各有千秋。The world cultural heritages of Europe spread all over the place and have their characteristics.

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实际上,两种记录方式各有千秋。Actually, both means of recording possess their respective advantages which are beneficial to us.

从理化成分与矿物质含量来看,老树茶与台地茶各有千秋,不能简单、武断地讲谁优谁劣、谁好谁差。From component and the content of mineral, old plant tea and tableland tea have their own top quality.

再说一次,目前新出的这一批舞台电钢是非常不错的,都各有千秋,很难说那一款最好。Once again this current crop of new stage pianos really are wonderful and there really is no one best.

但在胡风的“主观战斗精神”与卢卡契的“审美主观性”中,主体介入程度以及情感性因素却是各有千秋。But there are differences in the degree of the involvement of the subjectivity and the emotional factor.

一座是洁白庄严的赫尔辛基大教堂,一座是别致豪华的东正教大教堂,各有千秋。One is white and sacred Church of Helsinki. The other is Uspenski Cathedral. They both have unique beauty.

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对于不同的产品,其经验曲线的走势千差万别,成本削减的原因也各有千秋。Inconveniently, different products had curves of a different slope and different sources of cost reduction.

从制作上来说,教师版和学生版课件内容不尽相同,形式各有千秋。As for the characteristics of MC, teachers' version and students' version differ in content as well as form.

各种人类文明在价值上是平等的,都各有千秋,也各有不足。All human civilizations are equal in terms of value. They all have their respective strengths and shortcomings.