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它的花是白色的,清幽而淡雅。Its flowers are white, quiet and elegant.

月光依旧是清幽,只是多了一抹黯淡。The moonlight is still quiet, only a dim.

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东南海景,环境清幽,会所设施。Sea-view, Peaceful, Club house facilities.

她思慕乡下那清幽的空气。She sighed for the air in the countryside.

乡景乡情,是清幽的,也是粗犷的。Things Rural King is quiet, but also rough.

世事若花,热闹时是繁华,安静时是清幽。What if the flowers, lively when is busy, quiet is quiet.

必将在枯萎中重生,花蕾的成长,清幽的芬芳。Bound to wither in the rebirth, bud growth, quiet fragrance.

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我是清幽安静的晨,弥漫在绿色幽盛的荆棘谷。I am in the morning hush, of Stronglehorn' jungle, green and lush.

九华山树木蓊郁,环境清幽,是个旅游圣地。The Jiuhua Mountain is surrounded by trees, and is a tourist resort.

我是清幽安静的晨,弥漫在绿色的荆棘谷。I am in the morning hush , of Strangletharn's jungle, green and lush.

葡萄荟环境清幽,为住户提供怡人的生活空间。The serene environment at La Grande Vineyard will offer quiet living.

寥落山中寺,清幽廊下碧水深,廊外映苔痕。A mountain temple. Clear water running under the verandah. Moss on the side.

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的步行区边缘,环境清幽,距离旧城区和火车总站仅有数步之遥。Gallen, only a few steps away from the old town and the main railway station.

茅草亭是独自放松和读书的阴凉清幽之所。Thatched pavilions provide shady retreats for relaxing and reading in privacy.

翠竹环抱、清幽静谧的圣天宫是游人休憩的要站。A secluded stone hut, nestled in bamboo, makes for a tranquil stop along the way.

写下秋光这两个字时,我心里是在想着一个莲花般清幽的女子的。Write down the autumn these two words, I was thinking about a lotus beautiful woman.

冬梅因其粉白色的花朵、清幽甜美的香味而备受推崇。The winter plum tree is highly appreciated for its pink and white blossoms and sweet aroma.

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金银峡旅游区山涧清幽秀丽,溪水妩媚多姿,怪石耸立。The current is quiet and graceful and the stream is enchanting, and there stand weird rocks.

我的文字,掠过清幽宁静的溪谷,踏着蜿蜒古朴的山道,一路停停歇歇。My words, over the peaceful valley, on the winding ancient hill road, a road to stop to rest.

上清溪是一个集清幽、新奇、野韵、灵趣为一体的好地方。The Shangqing River is a wonderful place mixed with calm, freshness, interest and true wildness.