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在战争和战果上表现政治的光芒——好。Shine a light on war and its consequences—fine.

吉娜他们得要含辛茹苦。我们会熬过去的。我一定会确保战果。They need to suck it up. We're going to pull this off. I'll make sure of that.

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在上一个战果辉煌的赛季中,梅西共效力51场比赛,贡献了38个进球In an outstanding season, Messi netted 38 goals in 51 games in all competitions

塔利班经常夸大他们的战果,有时贪天之功,用意外事故冒充战果。The Taliban often exaggerate their claims and sometimes take credit for accidents.

疑惑是我们的叛徒,往往使我们因害怕尝试而输掉了可能会赢得的战果。Doubt is our traitor, often making us lose the possible victory for fear of trying.

这些数字的真实性目前无法得到证实,并且双方经常夸大自己的战果。There is no way to verify these numbers, and both sides often make exaggerated claims.

各自休整,这些受伤的花盆都是以前牛牛和爱悠的“战果”呦,会出现更多吧?Have a rest, these broken flowerpots are the "result" from Niuniu & Aiu, would be more?

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据说它已经将战果献呈于首相秘书脚下。He is believed to have dropped his swag at the feet of the prime minister's secretaries.

他在该州1月3日的民主党预选中旗开得胜,此后又连续在许多州扩大了战果,一举奠定了问鼎白宫的基础。His win in the state’s January 3 caucuses was the first of many propelling him to the White House.

查理斯·科赫像个工程师一样有条不紊地收获着商业和政治上的战果。Charles Koch seems to have approached both business and politics with the deliberation of an engineer.

这一仗,拿破仑取得辉煌战果,奠定了他在法国的统治地位。This battle, Nepoleon obtains glorious results in battle and established his governance position in France.

目前,中国香港、澳门特别行政区打击盗版光盘生产、走私的活动也取得重大战果。As a result, the anti- pornographic and illegal publications drive has made big headway in Hong Kong and Macao.

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其中有41艘是执行巡逻任务的飞行中队的战果,而由从护航航母上起飞的“复仇者”飞机的战果则达到了53艘。Patrol squadrons accounted for 41 in whole or in part, while Avengers from escort carriers accounted for another 53.

最近几个月来,斯里兰卡军方取得显著战果,政府认为最后胜利就在眼前。In recent months, the Sri Lankan military has made important gains and the government claims that victory is at hand.

1997年,国家禁毒委员会统一部署在全国开展了声势浩大的禁毒专项斗争,取得重大战果。In 1997, according to a unified deployment the NNCC launched a momentous anti-drug campaign nationwide, with great success.

野心勃勃的谢尔库赫不满于1163年的战果,而准备再次入侵埃及。The ambitious Shirkuh was discontented with the result of the 1163 campaign and began preparing for a new invasion of Egypt.

笔名为罗伯特•X•克林格里的马克•史蒂芬斯在科技网站cringely发表文章,列出了各大公司在此次竞购中的投入和战果,具体如下According to Mark Stephens, who writes under the byline Robert X. Cringely, the cost -- and the spoils -- were split as follows

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特别是瓦西里二世统治时期,战果辉煌,取得了对保加利亚、阿拉伯、俄罗斯等人战争的胜利。Especially in the reign of Basil II, he achieved splendid military achievements against Bulgarians, Arabians, Russians, and so on.

他每周都会好几次和操作公司大量资金的交易员在一起,询问他们的策略和战果。Several times a week, he sat down with traders who had bet a lot of the firm's money, questioning them about strategy and results.

参照以往的战果,2004年,特丽莎海茵茨克里的南瓜香料曲奇不敌劳拉布什的燕麦巧克力饼。In 2004, Teresa Heinz Kerry's pumpkin alter cookies failed to beat soured the competition from Laura Bush's meal drink chunk cookies.