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假装或夸大伤势。Feigning, or exaggerating injury.

令兄的伤势怎样了?How are the wounds of your brother?

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我们很担心他的伤势。We are very worried about his injury.

卡莫拉内西的伤势恢复得也不错。Camoranesi's recovery is also going well.

而弟弟因伤势过重不治身亡。The younger brother died of his injuries.

好在他伤势不重。Luckily he was not very seriously wounded.

邓贵大因伤势严重,经抢救无效死亡。Dengguida died of fatal wound after rescue.

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至少有26人受伤,一些乘客伤势较为严重。At least 26 people were injured, some critically.

狗儿伤势不严重,熊也跑走了。The dog was not badly hurt and the bear ran away.

在周六球队医生会重新评估安猪的伤势。Bynum will be re-evaluated Saturday by team doctors.

向问天的伤势已无大碍,还问起教主现在怎么样。To ask injury had no matter, how still ask leader now.

这是他的妻子在低飞过马路时被车子撞倒,伤势非常严重。She was hit by a car as she swooped low across the road.

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文斯卡特由于脚踝伤势缺席周五的训练。Vince Carter missed Friday’s practice with a sore ankle.

即使药家鑫拿着刀来查看你的伤势怎么了?Even though Yao Jaxin checked on your injury with a knife.

随后,他被送往医院。他的伤势没有生命危险。He was then hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries.

卡塞尔的话对理解姚明的伤势有很重要的作用。Cassell's point is essential to digest in any discussion of Yao.

他们的伤势依旧,而且因为受到鼓励更加无情地攻击我。It just encouraged them to remain wounded and lashing out at me.

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警方和医院方说,这名巴勒斯坦人因伤势而死亡。Police and hospital officials said the man died from his wounds.

阿娜尔罕知道阿迪力伤势很重,踏上了回乡之路。Ana, rarely know ADiLi injury is very heavy, on the road to home.

费尔南多在伤势持续好转时会参加比赛。Fernando will play if he continues to have less pain than before.