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这推动了保护动物活动家的动力。This fuels the drive of animal welfare activists.

余幼薇是一位学者、作家兼社会活动家。Katrien Jacobs is an academic, author and activist.

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东周邹国人。是一位著名的思想家、政治活动家、教育家。It is a home of famous ideologist, politics, educationist.

和奥巴马一样,里根也是一个很好的演讲家和社会活动家。And like Obama, Reagan was a good speechmaker and campaigner.

我们和皇室,政府首脑,作家,社会活动家一起吃饭。We dined with royalty, heads of states, authors, and activists.

“我说不出话来,”一亲民主活动家告诉半岛电视台。"I am speechless, " one pro-democracy activist told al-Jazeera.

创建者是活动家李爱芬和历史学家陈国伟。Activist Charles Lai and historian Jack Tchen were its creators.

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梁启超近代中国著名的报刊活动家和政论家。Liang Qichao was a famous activist and statesman in mod ern China.

今天他是中国最有声望的智库中主要的活动家。Today he is the prime mover in China's most prestigious think tank.

反奴隶制黑人活动家弗雷德里克?道格拉斯赞扬了这首歌曲。The black anti-slavery activist Frederick Douglass praised the song.

也把他们看做意识形态的偏执者,固执的政治活动家。It also sees them as ideologues, as stony-hearted political activists.

那些帮忙给女孩暂住的妇女活动家,在议会上受到谴责。Women activists who gave the girl shelter were denounced in parliament.

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尽管离开了白宫,但是她任作为艺术家和政治活动家。Since leaving the White House, she has worked as an artist and activist.

与此同时,民权活动家表示,他们在为实现人人平等而战。Meanwhile, civil libertarians have argued it is a battle for equal rights.

新德里使馆的政务官随后会见了新德里的人权活动家。New Delhi PolOffs subsequently met with Delhi-based human rights activists.

如果我们想给这个世界一个战斗的机会,我们所有人都要做社会活动家。All of us must be activists, if we are to give this world a fighting chance.

公司反驳活动家的指控,坚持认为反应堆是安全的。The company disputes the charges by activists, insisting the reactor is safe.

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民权活动家芭芭拉Arnwine说,国王的讲话给了这么多的希望。Civil rights activist Barbara Arnwine says King's speech gave hope to so many.

活动家们希望,这将阻止再次发生类似的生态灾难。Campaigners hope this will stop similarecological disasters from happening again

梅尔.杨是一位全球公认的重要的社会活动家。Mel Young, 53, is recognized as one of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs.