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赤字还在一个劲地涨。Oh, the deficit's a rising.

他只是一个劲的眨眼睛。He was just kind of blinking.

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竹子正在一个劲地往上长。The bamboos are just shooting up.

直到如今,她还一个劲地克制自己。Even now her self-command is invariable.

我知道我一个劲倒退也回不去了…I know i can't go back when i still go back.

有个孩子一个劲地拽我的袖子。One of the children was pawing at my sleeve.

空调在你头上一个劲地吹。and they have the air conditioning blasting.

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可是雯馨还一个劲学嘉辉说话。But Michelle still coped every word Adam said.

他坐在桌前,一个劲地往嘴里塞吃的。He sat at the table, shovelling food into his mouth.

我缺乏意志力!管不住自己,一个劲地吃饼干!I don't have the willpower to stop eating cookies! !

我认为一个人只是一个劲地埋头工作是没有什么好处的。I don't think one does any good if one works through.

最后一次通话时,他一个劲在说他好烦。The last call, he features a move in that he Hao Fan.

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我们都感冒了,一个劲地抽鼻子,打喷嚏。We all had colds and couldn't stop sniffing and sneezing.

服务员一个劲地点头哈腰领我们就座。Bow The waiter showed us to our table with much bowingand scraping.

猫咪连谢谢都没说。他只是一个劲的磨爪子。The cat doesn't even say, "Thank you! " He just sharpens his claws.

提起淄矿,78岁的王大爷一个劲竖大拇指。Zi brought mine, 78-year-old Uncle Wang features a move Shutaimuzhi.

可这时女管家却一个劲地在门外徘徊,提篮也紧闭着。But the housekeeper lingered by the door, and the basket stayed shut.

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雷诺一个劲地打探总统的两个宝贝女儿玛利亚和莎夏何时能得到宠物小狗。Leno pressed him on when daughters Malia and Sasha would get their pet dog.

你一直把事情做得仅仅有条,而他们却一个劲地把事情弄糟,给你添乱,是这样吗?You keep doing everything right and they just ruin things for you, do they?

我跟他说了几次,可他一个劲地看书,根本就没听见我说什么。My told him several times, but he he kept reading, in fact not hear what I say.