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他思忖,这是时代的趋势。It was a sign of the times, he thought.

面对死神谁都会害怕的,我暗自思忖。No one faces death without fear, I thought.

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他思忖着他的建议是否会被接纳。He mused about whether his proposal would be accepted.

这人坐在我的对面,他点了一支烟,思忖着。The man sitting opposite me lit a cigarette and thought.

“不要出丑”我思忖着“就看看吧。”“Don’t make a fool of yourself, ” I thought. “Just watch.”

他思忖道,“我喜欢阿斯顿马丁,因为我是詹姆斯邦德的电影迷。I like Aston Martins because I used to watch James Bond films.

我时常暗自思忖,生活中的赞美与恭维话实在是太少了。And from time to time I think to myself that there is too few of them.

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我自己禁不住在思忖着,他可曾受到公平的待遇?I could not hinder myself from pondering on the question-Had he had fair play?

我在洗碗时思忖我一瞥看到的心中的美人-你。I have just washed up to ponder on the eyebeam of my seeing from an eye-catcher, you.

妮基思忖道,难道是尼克买了个新的古董花池替换了最近被偷去的那个?Nicky thought. Perhaps Nick had replaced the antique urns that had recently been stolen.

面对正在缩小的可选做法和资源现在这对夫妇正在思忖下一步怎么走。Now the couple is mulling the next move in light of dwindling alternatives and resources.

读他的言语,思忖它们的含意,正好会使你手中有了获取幸福的钥匙。Read his words, comtemplate their meaning, and you have the key to happiness right in your hand.

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你不再总是思忖着你的爱人正在做什么或是想什么,最初的高潮已经过去。You aren’t always consumed by what your love is doing or thinking. You’re off that initial high.

我思忖,洗掉这个记号,总比要重来做一遍手术要容易的多吧。Washing off the Sharpie, I reckoned, would be a lot easier than coming back for a surgical do-over.

“完全是另外一个样子,可是仍然是原来的人,”尼古拉一面思忖,一面注视她那被月光照耀的脸蛋。"Quite different, and still the same, " thought Nikolay, looking at her face, all lighted up by the moon.

一天深夜,常大将军难以成眠,在帐外来回踱步,思忖着破城计策。Late one night, and often general sleep confused, in the external paced back and thought shabby town plan.

在美国,女性一周平均花51分钟在思忖“自己该穿什么”的问题上。The average American woman spends sixty-one minutes contemplating her outfits during the course of a week.

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锦绣思忖了一会儿,似乎是在考虑素娥的提议。The rich brocade wondered in a short meantime and seemed the proposal of creature thinking the vegetable E.

他的声音打断了我的思忖,这是整整一周以来我听到的第一声问候,他的声音醇厚,略带点嘶哑的性感。His voice broke my thoughts, rich and throaty and sensual, the first voice that had spoken to me all weekend.

但最后他已毋须思忖行使否决权了,因为后来巴克莱觉得雷曼是个烫手的山芋,不想接手了。But in the end he did not need to contemplate exercising a veto because Barclays saw Lehman as too hot to handle.