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她认为世袭贵族应当被废除。She believes that hereditary peerages should be abolished.

世袭荫叙制的影响。Fourth, the system of hereditary characteristics Syria Yam.

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荷兰国王成为世袭的卢森堡大公。The king of the Netherlands became hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg.

然而,就是在基督教民主党,各州的州长们都想做偏安一隅的世袭男爵。Yet even within the CDU, state premiers tend to act as regional barons.

微软就像尼禄,或是罗马的康茂德皇帝--只有世袭的权力才能将人腐蚀到那个程度。They were like Nero or Commodus—evil in the way only inherited power can make you.

他们给予领地覆盖其余我国数百名世袭贵族。They granted fiefdoms over the rest of China to several hundreds of hereditary nobles.

在元首制下,皇帝拥有最高统治权,大多数皇帝都希望将皇位世袭。Under the principate, most emperors with the highest authority favored the hereditary system.

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昔日的家族长制和世袭君主所实行的,就是这种“传统的”支配。This is 'traditional' domination exercised by the patriarch and the patrimonial prince of yore.

长子一度能够世袭爵位,享有优先继承权。The eldest sons once held the privileges of patrimonial loyalty and filial inheritance in Béarn.

世袭特权,皇族思虑长远,而不一朝用权。The hereditary privileges, the royal pursue long-term interests, rather than a tyranny of power.

土官是世袭其职的少数民族首领。Local tyrant was the hereditary chieftain of China's minority ethnic groups in the ancient times.

布农没有世袭的统治阶级,只有由族人选出的终身职领袖。The Bunun leaders did not inherit their titles, but rather were elected by the village residents.

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在一些城市里,某些神的大祭司之职是由固定的氏族世袭。In some cities the office of high priest of certain divinites was hereditary in a particular gens.

世袭的、环境的和意志因素对个体的发展或迟滞有相同的作用吗?Are hereditary, environment and will equal factors in aiding or retarding the entity's development?

饶毅反对“一种世袭的学术系统”,而崔克明指控他“贬低植物形态解剖学”。Rao argues against an "inbred academic system", while Cui accuses him of "belittling plant anatomy".

种姓根据印度教仪式的纯洁性划分的无数个世袭的、内部通婚的次等级之一。Any of numerous hereditary, endogamous social subclasses stratified according to Hindu ritual purity.

1422年的10月29日,法兰西查理七世从其父查理六世那里世袭了王位。October 29,1422, Charles VII of France becomes king in succession to his father Charles VI of France.

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饶毅反对“一种世袭的学术系统”,而崔克明指控他“贬低植物形态解剖学”。Rao argues against an "inbred academic system", while Cui accuses him of " belittling plant anatomy".

王室亵渎者是世袭侍奉巫王的恐怖而强大的法师。The king's defilers are feared and powerful wizards traditionally in the service of the sorcerermonarchs.

他又成为奥林匹克运动世袭家族,他三个宝贝儿子和两个孙子都曾获得过奥运冠军。C. He started an Olympic family tradition. Three of his sons and two of his grandsons also became champions.