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我们在半夜里偷袭敌人。We stole on the enemy at midnight.

鬼凤放出烟雾,准备偷袭。Feng ghost of smoke, ready to attack.

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他们在半夜里偷袭了该城。They stole up on the city at midnight.

空军在黎明时偷袭了港口。The air force surprised the harbor at dawn.

敌人偷袭了那座小村庄。The little village was swept down by the enemy.

偷袭珍珠港是一次具有毁灭性的遭难。The attack on Pearl Harbor am a crushing calamity.

我知道他肯定会偷袭我,于是我先动手打了他。As I know he will certainly ambush me, I attacked him first.

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这些青少年从背后拍打或偷袭路人,并用手机拍摄下受害者的反应,最后将照片传给朋友或发布到网际网路上。The images were then sent to friends or posted on Web sites.

割碎、猛击与偷袭对玩家都是只能昏迷而不打断。Maim, Bash and Pounce are all stuns and never interrupt players.

一次加索尔和奥多姆的错误的轮转使得钱德勒偷袭得手。A faulty rotation by Gasol and Odom led to a put-back by Chandler.

有一天晚上,我走在回家的途中,我被一名偷袭抢劫者攻击了。Then one night walking home from work, I was attacked by a mugger.

毕竟要是在野外的话,猫咪还时常会偷袭鸟巢。After all, in the wild, cats would occasionally raid the nests of birds.

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他还派出了巡逻队,以确保没有敌人能偷袭他们。He sent out scouts as well, to make certain no enemy took them unawares.

此时,赶到游里实验室的阿星三人遇到了偷袭的美莎。At this time, rushed to the tour lab Xing three encountered attack misha.

在李彪放松警觉时,林振海偷袭李彪,将其打晕。In LiBiao relax vigilance, LinZhenHai sneak attack, and it will LiBiao stun.

在猎人使用了他的徽章或者反击以后消失偷袭。Vanish CS after he uses PVP trinket or after he already used counter attack.

固然没有打赢他,但他也没有占什麽好处,随后我本来打算尾随著他找时机再偷袭一次。I didn't win, however he didn't take any advantage, I was planning to gank him.

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鹭鸶趁机偷袭割稻机惊动的虫子,同时间,燕子也飞著猎食。Egrets stalk insects flushed by the harvesters, while swallows hunt on the wing.

他们几乎总是能够偷袭了他们的准备受害者闪烁趾。They are almost always able to sneak up on their unprepared victims twinkle-toed.

当偷袭者来到我们背后并发动进攻时,我们正在监视目标。We were on a ridge watching the target when they came up behind us and started firing.