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每个人都有出头天。Every dog has his day.

小人物,也有出头天。Even a dog has its day.

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头天上午,我们去钓鱼。Wewent fishing the first morning.

弗兰克是头天晚上到达兰多尔斯的。He had reached Randalls the evening before.

头天夜里就把第二天的午餐做好Make your lunch for the next day the night before.

头天夜里就把第二天要穿什么衣服决定好Set your clothes out for the next day the night before.

据悉,头天晚上这个餐馆举办了一场结婚庆典。The restaurant held a wedding reception earlier in the night.

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他听我把李大叔头天说的话又讲了一遍。He listened to me repeat what Uncle Li had said the day before.

寒风正从北面吹来。这风是头天晚上刮起来的。过去时间以前发生。A cold wind was blowing from the north. It had started the evening before.

别担心,你会被选入校队的。每个人都有出头天的机会。Don't worry, you'll get chosen for the school team. Every dog has its day.

一些班头天查完,第二天便悄悄复课。Day of a few heads is checked, the following day stealthily resume classes.

研究了导引头天线新的发展方向-导引头共形相控阵天线。A new developing direction of seeker conformal phased array antenna is given.

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而且,我也已经习惯了东飞西飞的生活,头天在伦敦,第二天在巴黎。Anyway, I'm getting used to fly. One day in London, and another day in Paris.

他们是头天晚上坐火车来的,女儿很高兴地迎接了他们。They had arrived last night, by train. Their daughter welcomed them with joy.

她一定是在头天夜里花了几个小时打好行装——自己动手——独自离去。Somehow in the hours overnight, she had packed—by herself—and moved by herself.

凡人都有出头天。凯萝终于在第三次尝试下拿到了驾照…Every dog has its day. Carol finally got her driver's license after three tries.

另一封头天晚上就到了他的信箱——是实验室的结果报告。Another from the night before was in his inbox – it was the lab with the results.

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在我加盟斯文登的头天晚上卡拉格打电话给我给了我一些建议。The night before I came to Swindon Carra phoned me and gave me some great advice.

她打算装妆成鬼的模样,头天晚上她已经做好了化妆服。She intended to dress up as a ghost and she had made her costume the night before.

我们上车的时候,我问姐姐头天晚上有没有看到什么东西。As we were getting in the car, I asked my sister if she had seen anything last night.