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这就是我们的蒙难之夜。These are our nights of Gethsemane.

民族英雄张煌言蒙难南田事迹,史志早有记载。The national hero, Zhang Huangyan s deeds have definite historical records.

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当正统信仰受尊重程度超过了道德时,我想宗教本身也在蒙难。I think vital religion has always suffered when orthodoxy is more regarded than virtue.

我愿意领受圣母玛利亚所受的痛苦——看见天主子蒙难!I'm willing to suffer the suffering that Maria suffered, to see Jesus Christ suffering!

这里没有蒙难者,至爱的人类,每个物种都选择自己的命运,而所有命运彼此吻合。There are no victims beloved each species chooses their fate and all fates dovetail with all others.

人皆有怜悯之心,即便本身不曾蒙难,目击着惨状,同样也会毁坏本人们心里的宁静。All men have a pity, even though they had never trauma, witness the carnage, also will destroy our inner peace.

这正是佛罗里达群岛的珊瑚礁蒙难的原因,它们被从佛罗里达农田中流失的肥料污染。That's the case for the troubled coral reefs of the Keys, which are badly weakened by fertilizer runoff from Florida's agricultural sector.

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他们在城市东区的蒙难地教堂做礼拜,该地是导致了柏林墙开放的持续了数月之久的抗议活动的中心。They began with a service at the Gethsemane Church in the east of the city, a centre of protest in the months leading to the opening of the Wall.

他们的理由是为了保护金融系统,并以如果金融系统崩溃那么整个经济将会蒙难为合理依据。Their justification was to protect the banking system, on the reasonable ground that the whole economy would suffer if the banking system collapsed.

对过去被侵略和蒙难的叙述无处不在,这些耻辱的历史证明,是党重建了中国社会并恢复了它在世界上的应有地位。The narrative of past aggression and aggrievement is pervasive, as is the affirmation that the party has rebuilt Chinese society and restored China's rightful place in the world.

唯一尚未蒙难的国家是德国,其具有竞争力的出口导向型经济得益于国外需求以及因邻国债务危机而被压低的欧元汇率。The only country that isn't suffering — yet — is Germany, whose competitive export-driven economy feeds on foreign demand and an exchange rate held down by its neighbors' troubles.

犹大与百姓一听见这些消息,立即召集全体大会,商讨怎样拯救蒙难和被敌人攻打的弟兄们。Now when Judas and all the people heard these words, a great assembly met together to consider what they should do for their brethren that were in trouble, and were assaulted by them.

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当一块印着隐约可见的耶稣蒙难像的亚麻布在中世纪首次被发现时便成为争论的焦点。A linen cloth bearing the barely-visible image of a man with apparent crucifixion wounds became the center of both devotion and controversy when it was first discovered in the Middle Ages.