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道德进退两难加剧了。The moral dilemmas intensified.

矛盾正在加剧。The contradictions are sharpening.

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他称,"这只会加剧这场危机."That would only heighten the crisis.

侮辱只是起到了加剧长期不和的作用。Insults only served to inflame the feud.

冲突的历史会加剧了两者之间的纠纷。The history of the conflict heightens it.

病势加剧。The patient's condition is getting worse.

私掠船巡航加剧了这一混乱局面。Privateering20 also added to the disorder.

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种植面积可能会加剧其美丽,太。Plantings can accentuate their beauty, too.

比得尔的伤口感染突然加剧。The infection in Bedell's wounds flared up.

肌肉痛可持续、加剧或消退。Muscle pain may persist, worsen, or subside.

就是普遍的不平等现象还在加剧。a sharply increasing in common inequalities.

忧虑使他的病情加剧了。His illness is being aggravated by anxieties.

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它还加剧家庭和社区的贫穷。And it deepens household and community poverty.

两国之间的紧张情绪日益加剧。Tension is building betweeen the two countries.

这项平定行动不断的加剧。These pacification operations continue to grow.

两个团体之间的冲突快速加剧。The war between the two groups quickly escalates.

这很可能导致贸易摩擦加剧。This can easily lead to worsening trade friction.

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2006年入冬以后担忧更加剧了。Worries grew after the winter of two thousand six.

看来美国到2003年中期通货膨胀将加剧。Higher US inflation by mid-2003 baked into the cake.

公路上又多了一种机车,会加剧交通拥堵的?Another vehicle on road will increase traffic jamm ???