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就在今天我们有史以来第一次打开了三个主要的分洪河道。Today's the first day in the history of our nation that we've had 3 major floodways open.

都江堰历经2260年的历史,现今依然发挥着分洪减灾,引水灌田等重大的作用。For over 2260 years, the dam has continued to make the most of the water conservancy works.

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此结果可为分洪决策提供风险和损失评价依据。The result is useful in assessing the economic loss when flood may be diversed into the area.

就在今天我们有史以来第一次打开了三个主要的分洪河道。TodayisToday's the first day in the history of our nation that we'vehavehad 3 major floodways open.

整体而言,员山子分洪后,可有效降低洪水位而减轻洪水威胁。In general, flood disaster will mitigate because the water level decreases after the Yuanshantze flood diversion.

简要介绍铁路经过滞、分洪区这一特殊水文环境的选线特点、原则和方法。A brief introduction is given to characteristics, principles, and method of route selection in flood detention and diversion area.

莫诺湖之所以会出现如此独特的景致,是因为分洪使得湖水水位降低,从而露出了更多的石柱。Mono Lake's tufa are particularly dramatic because water diversions have significantly lowered the lake's level, exposing more of the columns.

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本文是根据1974年某放淤工程破堤分洪的水力学模型试验资料而编写的。This paper is written on the basis of hydraulic model study on flood diversion through a sudden breach of the Great Dyke on a warping project in 1974.

初步水力学计算表明,大江干流上一次洪峰期分洪的水量不到大型分洪区库容的百分之一。Preparatory calculation indicates that the diverted water of one flood peak is not as much as one percent of the cabage of a big flood water storage zone.

对哈尔滨上游蓄滞洪区的分洪能力以及可能发生的最大洪水进行了计算和分析,得出的结论认为哈尔滨市未来仍有发生溃堤的可能。Analysis of flood release capacity of upstream detention areas and the probable maximum flood reveals that the risk of levee-breach in Harbin city still exists.

针对入海水道分洪枢纽有闸控制的特点,提出了分流比的两段计算法。According to the characteristics of gate-controlled project of Erhe River flood diversion, Two-stage Calculation Method for water diversion ratio is put forward.

多沙河流侧向分洪后,分洪工程的前后经常引起大量而迅速的冲淤变化,这种变化严重的影响进水能力与工程的运用寿命。The silting from a river with heavy sediment lood seriously affects the discharge capacity and effective life of the head work of a detention basin for flood diversion.

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对蓄滞洪区分洪口门的数值模拟进行了探讨,建立了一种模拟分洪口门展宽及刷深的数学模型。The paper discusses the numerical simulation of opening in the flood detention area, and builds a mathematic model to simulate the widening and scouring process of opening.

三峡工程今年将开始盈利,并且会在在防洪、发电航运、分洪及环境治理方面起到举足轻重的作用。The Three Gorges Project will begin to pay dividends this year, playing an important role in flood control, power generation, navigation, water diversion and environmental protection.

政府向受损人赔偿的数额应取决于因分洪或转移财产而造成的实际损失。The government should make a compensation for the aggrieved party and the sum of the compensation should be that of the actual damage caused by property delivery or flood distribution.

蓄滞洪区是指包括分洪口在内的河堤背水面以外临时贮存洪水的低洼地区及湖泊等。The flood storage and detention basins are the low-lying lands and lakes beyond the back scarps of the dikes, including the flood diversion outfalls, used for temporary storage of floods.

针对隐含着0~1要素、难以拟线性化的扒口分洪问题,提出了判断扒口分洪界点及其相应的分阶段算法的处理方法。For solving blasting flood diversion constraints of containing 0 1 factor, this paper presents a simplified method separate phase algorithm of judging flood diversion point of demarcation.

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可以在蓄洪池损失很小的前提下,使分洪模式由不忍使用的集中分洪转变为灵活有效的分布式控制分洪。The concentrated flood diversion which we cannot bear to use is transformed to the distributed one which is more controllable and effective with little loss in the floodwater storage zone.

通过查阅有关文献,综述了大型分洪枢纽的水力设计和计算方法中的关键技术难题的现有研究成果,为本文的研究奠定了基础。By reading reference books, the key technical problems in hydraulic design and calculation for great flood diversion projects are discussed. This provided the basis for study in this paper.

针对穿越分洪区的高速公路建设问题,利用分洪区平面二维洪水演进数学模型,对分洪区内高速公路工程修建前后的分蓄洪过程进行了数值模拟。To solve the problem of freeway construction in flood retention area, a plane two-dimensional numerical model was employed to simulate the flood propagation process in the flood retention area.