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北韩特使玄学锋不赞同美国的立场。Hyun, the North's envoy, disagrees.

他是联合国海地特使。He is the United Nations special envoy to Haiti.

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国王想让哈姆雷特使用一把钝剑。The king intended to have Hamlet use a blunt sword.

总统派了一名特使参加和平谈判。The President sent a special envoy to the peace talks.

联合国特使艾德承认问题的存在。U.N. envoy Eide acknowledges there have been problems.

丘斯特使9个,在一些糖果毛皮把德妇女。Chust make it nine, and put in some candy fur de women.

四十二次联合国特使的造访没有促成任何改变。Forty visits by UN envoys have failed to elicit any change.

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不久之后,胡志明以墨思科秘密特使的身分游走世界各地。Soon Ho was roaming the earth as a covert agent for Moscow.

在人们的想象中,他或许会以欧洲各国元首特使的名义四处旅行。He might notionally be travelling as the emissary of EU leaders.

届时蔡武特使将出席喀方有关庆祝活动。Special Envoy Cai Wu will attend relevant celebration activities.

俄罗斯特使也向我保证,我们之间毫无芥蒂。The Russian ambassador assured me we have no daylight between us.

北约和反对派计划对苏尔特使用细菌战。NATO and rebels plan to use bacteriological warfare against Sirte.

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黄以轩陪同特使与晏老会面。Yellow to porch accompanied with old meeting taking special envoy.

黄以轩送特使去澳门与晏老会面。Yellow to send envoy to macau and xuan of seven characters old meeting.

他还希望作为美国体育特使访问其他国家。Ripken said he also hoped to visit other countries as the U.S. sports envoy.

克林顿说,奥巴马政府很快将会任命一名苏丹事务特使。Clinton says the Obama administration will soon name a special envoy for Sudan.

联合国特使甘巴里将前往印度尼西亚、新加坡和日本讨论缅甸问题。The U.N. envoy next travels to Indonesia, Singapore and Japan to discuss Burma.

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罗斯福派来了自己的行政助理居里博士作为特使居中斡旋。It took Roosevelt's personal envoy, Dr. Lauchlin Currie, to broker a compromise.

瑞典气候变化谈判特使拉什-埃里克•里杰兰德也有同感。Sweden's special envoy for climate change, Lars-Erik Liljelund, feels similarly.

联合国特使甘巴里将前往印度尼西亚、新加坡和日本讨论缅甸问题。The U. N. envoy next travels to Indonesia, Singapore and Japan to discuss Burma.