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你可以指靠我。You can count on me.

不过你行的意思可以指靠它句号。You can count on him, though.

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但这个系统指靠每年都在增长的一笔巨款。But this system depends on an ever-growing pot of money.

长沙发,沙发床长无靠背的沙发,尤指靠墙有枕头的沙发。A long backless sofa, especially one set with pillows against a wall.

你至少不要指靠蒙蒂在D日攻占戛纳。Not the least which it is dependency on Monty taking Cannes by D-day.

在Indigo中,服务即指靠消息交换与之交互的一个程序。In Indigo, a service is simply a program that one interacts with via message exchanges.

他能指靠的只剩下内地的少数地主和彻底依赖美国了。All that was left him were a few landlords in the interior and utter dependence on the United States.

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各民族对于自己思维和行动的说法是不能完整指靠的。It is not possible to depend entirely upon what each nation says of its own habits of thought and action.

“巷屋”是在向后巷或边道开门的房屋,尤指靠在现有住宅旁所在位置的房屋。Laneway house is a house that opens onto a back or side lane, particularly on a lot that has an existing dwelling.

包口、转角通常指靠近电梯、楼梯出口、两条通道交叉地方的商铺,很多“铺王”就诞生在其中。Packets mouth, corner usually means near lifts, staircases export, cross two lanes of local shops, many of the "Shop Wang" in which the birth.