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一个开放的走廊通向堂屋。An open corridor leads to the central room.

茱莉亚沿着楼梯冲到了堂屋,但是警卫拦住了她Julia rushed upstairs to the main room but she was stopped by guards.

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而她身后的堂屋门前,坐着一位老太太。Behind her was an elderly lady sitting outside the main door of the house.

当夜幕降临后,家家在堂屋里摆上准备好的祭品,行礼。When night falls, the family was put in the hall ready room offerings, salute.

其布局独特的地方是围绕院子,四边布置堂屋、住房和厨房等。A typical quadrangle features adivided compound with square yards surrounded by halls.

嬷嬷从堂屋里走出来,她是个大块头老婆子,但眼睛细小而精明,活像一头大象。Mammy emerged from the hall, a huge old woman with the small, shrewd eyes of an elephant.

嬷嬷蹒跚地走回堂屋,这时思嘉听到她轻声呼唤着上楼去找楼上的那个女佣人。Mammy waddled back into the hall and Scarlett heard her call softly up the stairwell to the upstairs maid.

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堂屋主体为三幢,它没有我们常见的正对厅堂的大门,而是在两边开有侧门。The prototype subject for three blocks, it is not our common to hall doors, but in both sides opened a side door.

秀嫂5岁大的儿子和邱哥不晓得啥时候回来了,坐在门槛上眼巴巴瞅着堂屋里头的秀嫂。Her husband and her five-year-old son had returned. They were sitting on the threshold and looking eagerly at her.

戴家院子在上世纪90年代还保存完好,惜后来拆掉堂屋正房进行了改建。The mansion had been well preserved even till 1990's, while the central room was dismantled for reconstruction later.

做成的祖鼓要悬挂在堂屋进门左边壁上事先凿好的鼓洞中,并作为祖先的牌位。The drum will be hung at the left side of living room where some holes are ready before, as the memorial tablet of ancestors.

屋顶仍将采用传统木檩条小青瓦。房舍有正堂屋、退屋、两侧厢房和杂屋,共计14间。There are all together 14 rooms in the residence, including the principal room, wing-rooms in each side and the miscellaneous room.

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返回面包车的路上,我注意到在老奶奶座位的背后、堂屋的正中间摆放着一口大木棺。On the way back to the van, I noticed a large wooden coffin right in the middle of the main room of the house, directly behind where granny was sitting.

走进她家,堂屋里到处堆放的是稻谷和黄豆,屋子里两边墙壁上挂满了孩子学习的奖状。Walked into her house, church house stacked everywhere are rice and soybeans, both sides of the house walls are covered with certificates of Child Study.

思嘉听见嬷嬷的脚步笨重地在堂屋里把地板踩得嘎嘎响,便迅速将盘着的那条腿伸下来,并设法放松脸部的表情,尽量显得平静一些。Scarlett heard Mammy's lumbering tread shaking the floor of the hall and she hastily untucked her foot and tried to rearrange her face in more placid lines.

秀嫂的活路做得精细,满穿的油纸伞花样也多,那些挂在堂屋上红红绿绿的伞,透过天井洒下来的光线,好斑斓,非常好看。Her umbrellas are marked by diversity and great workmanship. The colorful umbrellas hung in the main room made a gorgeous sight in the light from the courtyard.

他赶紧去到堂屋,一边走,一边往上提着蓝布裤子,并把他的那条蓝色粗布褡裢在腰间围好系牢。He hurried out into the middle room, drawing on his blue outer trousers as he went, and knotting about the fullness at his waist his girdle of blue cotton cloth.

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记得小时候,我家堂屋当门的横梁上有一个燕窝,燕窝下面还吊着一个用于接燕屎的草帽。Remember When I was small, central room, when my house door beams, there is a bird's nest, bird's nest is also hanging below one for the next nest of straw feces.

我对堂屋中间摆口棺材感到不解,于是请教中国同事到底为什么要在那里摆棺材。I was puzzled by the presence of the coffin right in the middle of the main room next to the door, and asked my Chinese colleague why in the world they would put a coffin there?

秀嫂一个人在家,收拾了碗筷,把堂屋打扫得干干净净,站在天井里头搓起一家人一大堆脏衣服来。Alone at home, Xiu cleared the table and cleaned the main room till it was spick and span. After that, standing in the courtyard, she began to do the family's big heap of laundry.