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判断下一下病征系咩病?。Is the diagnostic below judgement baa disease?

“桐梓人”化石具有氟斑牙的病征吗?。Have "Tongzi" Fossils Symptom of Dental Fluorosis?

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很多疾病的病征会表现出咳血。Hemoptysis is described in many disease processes.

这是出疹的病征,你当你已丁由荨麻。It is the rash you get when you have been stung by nettles.

但是这些结果单独看来并非疾病的病征。But these results alone are never diagnostic of the disease.

她曾在中国内地旅游10天,于11月1日回到香港,第二天出现第一个病征,即流鼻涕。She developed her first symptom, a runny nose, the next day.

他在她的舌头上和生殖器周围找到爱滋病的病征。He found telltale signs of AIDS on her tongue and around her genitals.

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结论在中国推行性病病征处理是十分必要的。Conclusion It is necessary to introduce STD syndromic management into China.

爱滋病毒可以在体内潜伏十年而没有任何病征。The virus can hole up in the body for up to 10 years without triggering symptoms.

单一菌株的致病性与添菌量成正相关,单一菌株引起的病征多变。Moreover the pathogenicity of mixed strains were stronger than that of the single.

麻疹几种其他疾病,尤指德目麻疹,引起相似、但病状略轻的病征。Any of several other diseases, especially German measles, that cause similar but milder symptoms.

该方法包括接收与不可纠正错误相关联的病征比特和地址。The method includes receiving syndrome bits and an address associated with an uncorrectable error.

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疾控中心说,因为病征接受流感检测的人有三分之一确证患流感。About one third of people tested for flu because of their symptoms actually had influenza, the CDC said.

尿道分泌物病征处理方案具有较高的敏感性和特异性,临床应用较适宜。The syndromic management of urethral discharge is relatively effective and suited to clinical application.

目的对男性尿道分泌物病征处理流程图进行了临床应用和评价。Objective The syndromic management flowchart for male urethral discharge was clinically applied and evaluated.

福朗瑟斯表示,医生们认为已有的孤独症诊断方法,并不适用于那些他们正在接触的病征较轻的患者。Frances says doctors felt the diagnosis for autism didn't cover a more mild disorder they were actually encountering.

但他注意到那些病征开始稳定的患者,并不完全是那些研究人员观察到病毒复制现象的患者。Patients whose cancers seemed to stabilize weren't necessarily the ones in which the researchers found the virus replicating, he notes.

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从我国古代医书中可以看到有淋病的病征记载,而且其出现远超过梅毒的描述。There are many records concerning symptoms of gonorrhea in ancient Chinese medical books, and its description is by far earlier than that of syphilis.

佳期说出宝儿的病征,她表示自己是大夫,可把宝儿医好,族长不信,但其妻请求他让佳期一试。Ritual say boas symptoms, she says she is a doctor, can cure the boa, chief of the fathers do not believe, but his wife asked him to let be yours a try.

人类猪型流感的病征一般跟人类感染季节性流感相近,包括发烧、疲惫、食欲不振和咳嗽。The symptoms of human swine influenza are usually similar to those of human seasonal influenza and include fever, lethargy , loss of appetite and coughing.