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取自洋槐等树木的硬木。Fir or pine wood.

同时,硬木吸收冲击震动的能力也更强。Hard wood is more shock absorbent.

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而且硬木的档次与奥迪汽车的内饰十分相配。The woods match the sheen of an Audi interior.

所以,这又使我们想起种植一些硬木树的想法。So, this brings us back to planting some hardwood trees.

对于丰富,温暖的环境,硬木镶板是不会被淘汰的。For a rich, warm setting, hardwood paneling can't be beat.

叠片硬木是这个杰作的制作材料。Laminated hardwoods are the materials behind this creation.

他说经常听到有人在老的硬木地板上走路的声音。He often said he heard footsteps on the old hardwood floors.

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橡木、杨木和枫木是具代表性的美国产硬木。Oak, birch, and maple are representative American hardwoods.

初中马上翻脸不认他注意硬木。The junior immediately turned his attention to the hardwood.

的去路,这里的海边由高大的黑檀树所遮蔽,还有一种红木和其他硬木,有。And entangle the voyager, the low margin of the sea was covered.

用材树种有两大类--软木材与硬木材。There are two main kinds of timber trees-softwoods and hardwoods.

所有的木榫要用硬木且直径10mm并且要有槽一样的山脊。All dowels used will be hardwood 10mm diameter and have grooved ridges.

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看起来很像,不过价钱只有硬木的百分之一。It looks exactly like it. But it is like one one-hundredth of the cost.

雨林被那些为了贩卖有价值的硬木的伐木者砍倒。Rainforests are cut down by loggers who want to sell valuable hardwoods.

橡、山毛榉、桦、美国梧桐、槭、红木、柚木全都属于硬木。Oak, beech, birch, sycamore, maple, mahogany, and teak are all hardwoods.

这款车的一体式框架由硬木制成,极其轻便。The monocoque frame is made of hardwood and is exceptionally light weight.

HWPW的面板可以是硬木或者是装饰软木材质的。The face veneer may be composed of a hardwood or decorative softwood species.

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你生产一把美好的桃花心木硬木标尺并且继续显示它在双方。You produce a fine mahogany hardwood rod and proceed to show it on both sides.

工匠还各种硬木和金属结合,创造出独特的设计。Artisans also combine various hardwoods and metal to create distinctive designs.

例如,斯坦威所用的18层硬木制造的钢琴边缘。For example, Steinway makes the rim of their pianos out of 18 layers of hardwood.