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假如非美国公民赢得奖金如何领取?What if a non-US citizen wins?

只有04F可以领取奖励。Rewards only available for 04F.

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带着无人领取的电报聒吵。Noisy with telegrams not received.

我辞职了,并适当地领取了一笔退休金。I resigned and was duly pensioned off.

这次领取黄牌的是沃诺克。This time Warnock enters the notebook.

申请领取营业所需布草。Requisition linen required for business.

1932年,纽约,等待领取救济食品的长队。A long breadline in New York City in 1932.

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盖恩斯指示杰克去领取一个公文箱。Gaines directs Jack to pick up a briefcase.

这是929航班的行李传送领取处吗?。Is this baggage conveyor belt for flight 929?

要领取补助金,就必须填好补贴卡资料。To obtain benefit you fill in a benefit card.

您可以到礼宾部领取您的包裹。You can pick up your parcel at the concierge.

每个下岗工人可领取基本生活费。Each laid-off worker can receive a living wage.

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到2028年,国家规定领取养老金的年龄将提高到67岁。The state pension age is to rise to 67 by 2028.

你的服务年限使你有资格领取养老金。Your years of service entitle you to a pension.

他们围着桌子领取食物。They crowded around the table to get their food.

他领取定量配给他的那份香烟,然后送给别人。He took his cigarette rations and gave them away.

领取养老金的人应免除征税。Old age pensioners should be exempt from taxation.

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只有持卡人才能领取预售票。Will call tickets must be picked up by card holder.

我给您查查无人领取行李记录。Let me first check unclaimed baggage records for you.

核电站工作人员排队领取防护服。Workers line up to pick up their protective clothing.