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董事不应加进来。Directors don't come into it.

独立非执行董事的角色改变。The changing roles of an INED.

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赵某符合担任股份有限公司董事资格。Mr. Zhao can serve as a director.

他正在竞选联合校董会董事。He's running for the school board.

每隔6-8周开一次董事会议。Hold board meetings every 6-8 weeks.

董事的自我交易行为是其中最主要的形态。Self-dealing is the main type of it.

那名董事的演讲辞是别人代笔的。The speech of the director was ghosted.

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我打算竞选联合校董事会董事。I'm planning to run for the school board.

重选黄伟明先生连任董事。To re-elect Mr Wong Wai Ming as director.

该公司董事G·斯里尼瓦桑表示。said G. Srinivasan, the company’s director.

有限公司请他出任董事。He is offered a directorship with Smith Ltd.

董事有一笔交际费。The Director has an entertainment allowance.

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黄某符合担任股份有限公司独立董事资格。Mr. Huang can serve as an independent director.

孙某不符合担任股份有限公司独立董事资格。Mr. Sun can't serve as an independent director.

钱某不符合担任股份有限公司独立董事资格。Mr. Qian can't serve as an independent director.

斯科特于1986年出任NCSE的执行董事。Scott in 1986 as executive director of the NCSE.

她放弃了董事职务,离开了公司。She resigned her directorship and left the firm.

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潘先生是伦敦海事协会非执行董事。He is a non-executive Director of Maritime London.

授权董事会厘定董事袍金。To authorize the directors to fix directors' fees.

问题我是一家小型咨询公司的三个董事之一。I am one of three directors at a small consultancy.