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他在而立之年转入教学工作。He switched over to teaching in mid-career.

姚明将在9月进入而立之年,但他在脚伤之后缺席了整个09-10赛季。Yao turns 30 in September and missed last season following foot surgery.

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当你12岁的时候,闭上眼睛幻想而立之年,你会看见什么?When you were 12 years old, close your eyes fantasy thirties, you'll see what?

约有1/4的男性在他们步入而立之年时开始脱发,而2/3的男性则在60岁时才开始脱发。About 1 in 4 men have lost some hair by the time they turn 30, and two-thirds by age 60.

从一个呱呱落地的婴儿,到如今的而立之年,我们首先要感恩父母。From a babies were born, to today's thirty years of age, our first Thanksgiving parents.

于是在1996年,刚过而立之年的Casey到台北参加一个电子交易展。So in 1996, just after he turned 30, Casey went to Taipei for an electronics trade show.

在而立之年,我相信你会为AC米兰拿到久违的意甲冠军杯。In the 30 years old time, I believe you can win Italian Football League Championship for AC Milan.

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例如,参观者可以看到几个将近而立之年杂志封面的艾滋病问题与处理。For example, visitors see several nearly thirty year old magazine covers dealing with the subject of AIDS.

他正当而立之年,虽然过去的9个赛季他只打了一部分比赛,但他仍将作为一个历史名宿被人们记住。He's 30 years old, played parts of nine seasons in the NBA, and yet he'll be remembered as a historic icon.

不要担心工作过累会要了自己的命。而在你而立之年生活愉悦之时,过度工作却是你能力所不及的。Don't be afraid of killing yourself with overwork. It is beyond your power to do that on the sunny side of thirty.

我的期望过高,而且,而立之年的我,看到离既定目标如此遥远,自信心大挫。My expectation was unrealistic, and my self-esteem took a blow when I turned 30 and saw how far away such a goal was.

她今年已入而立之年,可是承诺的婚姻遥遥无期。她说她觉得每天都像是行尸走肉一般的活着,更重要的,她觉得自己被深深的榨干了。She turned 30 this year, and there's no marriage in her future. She moves through her days like a zombie, she said, and she feels well used.

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国际巅峰调酒大师、品酒大师,有酒神之称的李解冻,为了品尝出土的汉代美酒而醉死于而立之年。International top master, master shake wine tasting, have wine god said the lee thaw, to taste of han dynasty unearthed drunk wine and died from 30.

现在海外有一批人在做着艰苦的工作,重振中国盆景的雄风,方届而立之年的乔纳森就是其中的佼佼者。Now a group of people is doing the difficult work in overseas to inspires the Chinese potted landscape , Jonathan is one of the outstanding persons.

时过境迁,当年费城桀骜不逊的小伙子,已经不再是一个卤莽的男孩子了,但而立之年的艾佛森依然还是那个艾佛森,只是多了几分稳重。Today, when the young maverick junichirokoizumi Philadelphia, is no longer a foolish boy, but still the 30 iverson Allen iverson, just a few more stable.

这是一个周四的夜晚,在巴尔的摩郡的催眠戒烟治疗中心,刚过而立之年的Mike坐在一张肮脏的躺椅上。On a recent Thursday night, sitting in a grungy recliner at the Stop Smoking Hypnosis Clinic of Baltimore County, the middle-aged man shrugs his shoulders.

若以孔子志学的时间推算,我们学习英语10年,也没有什么了不起,还没有到而立之年呢。Calculated in the terms Confucius set for us in learning, those of us who have been learning English for ten years still have a long way to go before reaching the time to be established.

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头一天我还快快乐乐地过著而立之年的日子——我胜任一份工作,有自己的房子,膝下养有两个孩子——而转天,我就开始向妈妈寻求如何有效地用牙线剔牙的建议了。One day I was happily in my mid-thirties, holding down3 a job while taking care of a house and two children, and the next, I was getting advice from my mother on how to effectively floss4 my teeth.