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此时,她帽子的松紧带断了。And now her hat-elastic's snapped.

这种手套在手腕处有松紧带。The gloves have elastic at the wrist.

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两边有松紧带的一种到脚踝的鞋。An ankle-high shoe with elastic gores in the sides.

生产松紧带、弹力带、人字带、绒面带等。Welcome to Nantong Xianfeng Elastic Tape Co. , Ltd.

简便的风格上滑横跨脚背的松紧带。Easy slip-on style with elastic straps across instep.

三四个月的宝宝能不能穿带松紧带的裤子?Three or four months of the baby can wear elastic pants?

把松紧带收紧一点用大头针把没固定的一端钉在贴边上。Tighten the elastic a little. Pin the free end to the facing.

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松紧带缠绕在这些物体周围,最后用“维可牢”尼龙搭扣闭合。Elastic bands are wrapped around these and closed with Velcro.

睡袍尚有贴身口袋+长睡裤腰部有松紧带,前有系绳绑带。Long Pajama pants have an elasticized waist drawstring tie front.

松紧带和绳子都是固定衣物的简单配件。Elastic and string are simple accessories keeping clothing in place.

他并没有穿着松紧带儿运动裤,而是一套细条纹的上衣和西裤。He wasn't wearing sweatpants. He was wearing a pinstripe jacket and trousers.

进来一个黑天鹅绒袋子与金松紧带和10枚不可思议的祝愿的硬币。Comes in a black velvet bag with gold drawstrings and 10 Magical Wishing Coins.

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我们要采购松紧带,饰带,缎带,音带,乐团,钩,配件,内衣裤。We want to buy Elastic, Lace, Ribbon, Tape, Band, Hook, Accessories, Underwear.

男式内裤、泳装、舞蹈紧身服装、短内裤等产品的松紧带包缝。For attaching elastic tape to Men's underwear, leotards, swimwear, dancing dresses.

富国皮革鞋面与沿脚背松紧带,以提供额外的回旋余地。Rich leather upper with elasticized bands along the instep to give extra wiggle room.

本机适于粘扣带,松紧带,塑胶拉练,纸带,塑胶带,排线,套管。Suitable for cutting hook &Loop fastener, elastics , plastic zipper, paper, plastics.

TPU膜制品肩带、松紧带、止水条、热风胶带等分切制品。TPU membrane products aiguillette , elastic, water, the hot air tape sub-cut products.

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腰部以松紧带收腰,并配以丝质腰带,更加随意自然,充满休闲度假风。Cixin equipped with silk chatelaine, can also be used to get a department optional tie.

可作紧身衣裤,内裤,胸罩,韵律装之松紧带,无缝合片之装饰缝制。Attaching elastic straps to underwear, bras, bodysuits . Also decorative seamless sewing.

可作紧身衣物或胸衣之松紧带缝制及装饰缝制之功能。Elastic seaming and attaching elastic straps to corsets and bras. Also decorative sewing.